Chapter 24 - Trapped

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I woke up the next morning. This was it. Today was the day. The day when we take back justice....

I put on my warrior gear, and gripped my machete. I went downstairs, where all the Main Outcasts were gathered.

We all gathered in a line, grasping our weapons as Yuki entered the code into the code box.

"Are you ready, soldiers?" Yuki asked us. We all nodded. "Then go." She opened the door.

We all marched out into the dark, dim hall. Memories of the day I was found flooded back to me, one of the darker days of my short, and controlled life. If we won this battle, I could finally be free. We all could be. But if we lost, we, and future experiments, were destined to live a life in this underground hellhole forever.

"Let's split up," Mark decided. "Tilly, you come with me. Jasper, you go with Emily."

We all nodded in agreement. "Stay safe," I said to Jasper and Emily. They nodded in reply, and raced off in the opposite direction.

It was extremely quiet as we walked down the darkened hall. Too quiet.

"Mark," I whispered. "Watch out for any traps."

"Why?" Mark inquired.

"I've heard about it in books. Let's just be careful."

"Sure." Mark replied. He started walking slowly, and more stealthily.


Half an hour later, we reached a door. We had been walking through endless streams of hallways that looked exactly the same; same dulled grey walls, same plain white ceiling, same drab red carpet.

"Is this the door?" I whispered. Mark shrugged.

"Who knows? There's only one way to find out." Mark mumbled, and I nodded, upon realising he was right. I approached the door, machete clasped in both of my hands.

"Ha-yah!" I yelled, and kicked open the door with my hardest karate kick. The door swing open to my surprise, revealing a well lit room, with nine other sets of doors, presumably leading to hallways like this one.

"Where are we?" Mark asked, stepping into the room.

"Somewhere you shall only see once." A voice sounded. Frightened, I looked around, and saw an intercom in the corner of the room, accompanied with a camera.

"Show yourself!" I yelled.

"Alas, I would never show myself to such rebellious experiments. I am too superior for that."

"We'll destroy you, hear that? You'll be dead by sunset."

"Oh, I highly doubt that.....Tilly. Now you can't escape. Every door way is surrounded with guards. They're keeping the doors shut. Just for my amusement, I give you sixty seconds to try and escape this room. Good luck. The timer"

Immediately I started looking around the room. "There are no hiding places." I confirmed after looking around the room.

"Hang on." I went and grabbed the camera. I pulled it down and stomped on it multiple times. Soon the camera was too messed up for it to work, I was sure.

"Psst, Tilly." Mark whispered. "I found an escape route. Quick! Grab a chair!"

I did as Mark said, grabbing an old chair that was laying in the corner of the room.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"Just prop it there. I'm gonna stand on it." Mark replied. I put the chair where he wanted it and he stood on it. He opened a hatch hole in the ceiling.

I gasped. "How did you-"

"I've been here before. In a dream." Mark explained quickly. He jumped up into the air and stuck his hand out through the hole. "Quick, or they'll find us!"

I stood on the chair. It wobbled and toppled over. I grasped Mark's hand tightly.

I pulled myself up and through the hole. Then I shut the hatch quietly. Just in time, too. The doors were forced open and hundreds of scientists dressed in lab gear ran in.

"Where are they?" Asked one.

"I don't know. It's like they....disappeared." Another said quietly.

Me and Mark snickered quietly, then crawled through the hatch away from the room.

I sighed and relaxed. We were safe.

For now.....

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