Chapter 12 - The Testing Room

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"Nice to meet you, Tilly. I expect you know what we are going to do today?"

"Yes," I replied, sat happily in the comforting chair.

"Good. My name is Dr Janice, and I will examining you this fine afternoon." Dr Janice replied, smiling at me.

"Okay. I think I have more than one power."

"You do? Please tell me what powers you discovered."

"Invisibility and time travel."

"And have you tested these powers to their full potential? For invisibility, have you seen how long you can stay invisible, or whether you get tired doing it? With time travel, have you seen how far you can go back in time? Whether you can alter time? Can you go to the future as well?" Dr Janice said, writing down on a piece of paper.

"No, I haven't tested them. I just discovered I could."

"Okay. Could you elaborate on that? For example, what action did you do to discover you had these powers?"

"Umm......I just willed them to happen.... I guess... I can't really explain it..."

"Any proof these events are as what you say they are?" She questioned, clearly skeptical.

"Well, I walked right through a crowd of people and they never noticed me!"

"Okay then. And you used willing thoughts to access your time travel ability?" Dr Janice enquired.

"Yes." I replied.

"Okay. Now, there are two stages to The Test. The Questioning, which is what we just completed, and The Reveal, when we discover what powers you have. We're going there now, so if you could follow me, please."

"Sure thing." I got up off the chair, and tentatively followed Dr Janice through another door. This room very much reminded me of a science fiction movie, with lights showing through lines in the ground and wires leading up to a large machine attached to the room's centre.

"Please go into the machine. We call it The Revealer, it's a Chunting 2000, made by a Chinese man called John Ing Chunting. Very clever man. Link yourself with the wires. I'll shut the door behind you. While the machine is running, don't move, and close your eyes. Thanks."

I did what Dr Janice said, and shut my eyes. I heard the door shut behind me. I heard the sound of a lever being switched on, and the light pulsing of energy through the wires. Suddenly I felt as though part of me was being contracted out of me. This strange sensation continued, until I suddenly felt very weak.

"Oh my god!" Dr Janice gasped. "Tilly was right....she has more than one power...."

"What?" I heard another voice, most likely the man I saw who was sitting in the chair, typing on his computer.

"She doesn't just have invisibility and time travel.....she has everything.....every power you could possibly imagine.....mind power and control, telepathy, telekinesis.....and much, much more...."

"You're implying.....?"

"I'm not implying. Tilly......she's The Chosen One." Dr Janice replied.

"But......I thought The Chosen Ones were a myth, a superstitious prophesy?" The man questioned doubtfully.

"Apparently not. E-1 must see Tilly immediately. She is special. Only E-1 will know what to do..."

"Are you sure? I don't know whether Tilly is ready to see E-1 yet -"

"She is, she's a Chosen One!" Dr Janice reassured him firmly. "Only E-1 can tell us what to do with Tilly now."

"Then, we must take her immediately to him!" The man nodded.

"That was what I was saying we should do. Whatever. I'll let Tilly out, and we can tell her what's going on..."

I heard footsteps coming in my direction. A button was pressed, and instantly all my power came flooding through the wires and back into my bloodstream. I instantly felt better. The door was opened, revealing a concerned Dr Janice.

She held my hand, and disconnected the wires from my body. Then she helped me down out of the machine. "Are you okay? Some people suffer from light headedness after The Reveal. No? Okay. In that case, there's something we must tell you -"

"That I have multiple powers, I'm a Chosen One and I need to be taken to see E-1 as quickly as possible." I cut in. "Sorry, your machine has really thin glass. Easy to hear through."

"Ah. Well, seeing as you already know what's going on, we're going to take you to see E-1. You must be excited, hardly anyone sees E-1 apart from Yuki herself."

"Mmm," I hummed in response. "Um, what's so special about being a Chosen One?"

"Well, I can tell you that you have multiple powers. This makes you both good and bad. If you have the right mindset, and are not going to use your powers for evil, then you are the correctly selected Chosen One. If not, then we're gonna have to drug you so you forget everything, and send you back to your cell. No pressure. E-1 will figure out if you betray us or not. He will also tell you the prophesy, which I don't know much about."

"Okay," I replied. "And what if I'm not a Chosen One? What if this is all a mistake?"

"It's not, dearie. The powers are all yours. You're a Chosen One, alright. And even more of a powerful one than I've ever seen."

"There's been other Chosen Ones?"

Dr Janice sighed. "Evan was one. But he betrayed us. Rumour has it The Creator killed him after the information was given. I would say he deserved it, but no one does."

"Fair enough," I replied. "Are we here yet?"

"Yes. The door's coming up. Dr Janice pulled open the door for me. "Now, I can't come inside. This is just a conversation between you and him. Please do not cut into him, or do anything you may regret. I'm sure you won't, you're a very nice girl." She explained quickly, and shut the door.

This part of the room was very detailed and old looking, with sparkling rocky floor and walls, with tubed light pulsing throughout the floor, walls and ceiling.

"Come, child." A husky voice whispered. I walked towards the voice, to see an old man, presumably E-1. "Sit down. Make yourself comfortable."

I did just that. I didn't dare speak yet, unless I angered him.

"Now, Tilly." He started, making me jump. How did he know my name?

"I'm E-1, and I'm a Chosen One too," He smiled. Wow. "Now, tell me everything."

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