Chapter 26 - Death

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I was motivated by his voice. I sprinted through hallways, until I reached a door. I quickly opened it, and burst inside.

I saw Jasper all tied up, tape stuck on his mouth. He mumbled and shouted, but I couldn't hear because his voice was muffled. It was a....trick?

"Ah, how nice of you to join us, Tilly." A voice remarked. Hilda. "As you can see, Jasper is tied up. We caught him as he was storming away from his friend, Emily. You see, Emily was jealous because Jasper kissed you, and not her."

"MMAT'S MMOT MMRUE!!" Jasper screamed. I ran over and pulled the tape off his mouth and threw it away. "THAT'S NOT TRUE!"

"What happened then?"

"I wanted to explore by myself but Emily wouldn't let me, so I went off by myself. I was worried about you."

I blushed. "T-thank you, Jasper."

"SHUT UP! YOU WILL LISTEN WHEN YOUR CREATOR IS SPEAKING!!!" She yelled angrily. "Now, Tilly. You have thirty seconds to untie Jasper and get him out of here. If you lose, a sword will open in a hole in the wall and go straight through his stomach, killing him. If you win, Jasper will be saved. Your time starts now."

I panicked, running over to Jasper. "No, you can't! I've seen this trap before. No one survives it.....I'm going to die, Tilly."

"NO!" I screamed. "NO! YOU CAN'T! WE'RE ALL GETTING OUT TOGETHER!!" I pulled out my machete and started cutting Jasper's ropes.

"Twenty seconds left." I could practically see Hilda's amused smirk. "You better do something drastic if you want Jasper alive and well."

"Please, let me die." Jasper whispered, his head positioned at the floor. "Please.....there's no hope, Tilly. And if you stay here, the sword will cut you, too."

"I'M NOT LEAVING YOU!!!" I screamed at him, hugging him.

He started to pry my arms away. "STAY AWAY FROM ME, TILLY! OR YOU'LL DIE!"

"I don't care!" I yelled.

"Listen to me, Tilly. I care more about you than anyone else in the whole world. When we're together, it feels like....magic. I love you, Tilly."

"I love you too, Jasper. So I am going to die with you."


I kissed him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Five seconds left."

"I'm not leaving you."

"Four seconds left."

"You must. It's not safe anymore. Your life matters more to me than anything else. Just go, Tilly."

"Three seconds left."

"No. I won't."

"Two seconds left."

"I SAID GO!!" He pushed me away, and I flew in the air and landed on the other side of the room.

"One second left."

"Goodbye, Tilly." Were the last words that left Jasper's mouth. Then I heard a knife slicing, and blood splattered around the room.

There were a few moments of silence, before I slowly got up. I shook myself free of the daze I had felt, from the sheer power Jasper had used to throw me. He really didn't want me hurt. He really cares.

I stared over at Jasper, and saw a horrible sight. Jasper's body was fine, except a mangled hole in the middle of his stomach. Blood dripped from the wound, decorating the entire room in a beautifully grotesque crimson.

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