Chapter 15 - Main Outcast

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"Tilly! Finally! What took you so long?" They all asked me.

"Oh, you know. Got caught in a time travel situation, tested my power, and, oh, I don't know, found out I am a frickin Chosen One!"

"Oh my god, Tilly, that's great news!" Yuki hugged me. "You must be honoured right?"

"Of course!" I smiled. "So why was I brought here?"

"We wanted to reward you for being such a help to the team. Fancy being a Main Outcast member?" Yuki asked.

"Yes!" I smiled.

"Someone else is joining too." Emily smiled.



Mark suddenly teleported in front of me. "Uh....hey, Tilly." He smiled, running a hand through his dark hair. "Guess we're both members.....yay?"

"Stop making her feel uncomfortable." Jasper said, but he was laughing. Ugh. I hope he doesn't get the wrong idea about the both of us. The last I need is ship names.

" have the power of teleportation?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Pretty cool, huh?"


Try teleportation. See if you can impress him. Teleport to.....behind him!

Suddenly I felt a swift moving motion, and I was standing behind Mark. "Hey, where'd Tilly go...?"

"Here!" I grinned, grabbing his shoulders.

"Wow! You have teleportation too? Cool."

"Mhm." I smiled.

"Are you kidding? Tilly's a chosen one." Yuki smiled.

"So I guess it's happy ending, right?" I asked. Everyone gave shook their heads firmly.

"Far from it. We need to find your Chosen Partner, plan the attack, make sure nothing goes wrong..." Yuki listed.

"And the old Yuki's back." Jasper sighed. "Honestly, Yuki. Can't you just let things roll on their own for once?"

"No! Are you crazy? Things must be planned! We can't wing it, that's when things go wrong! No, we must plan ahead. Only an idiot like you would say something like that."

"Ugh, whatever." Jasper rolled his eyes. "I was only trying to defend Tilly....but whatever. Not my fault if she goes missing or dies because you overwork her!"

"Hey, Jasper! Don't be so insensitive!" Emily scolded him.

"Yeah, that wasn't very nice." I comforted Yuki, who was looking at the ground sadly.

Jasper saw Yuki, and face palmed. "Ugh, I'm such an idiot! I'm sorry, Yuki. I can be mean sometimes. I didn't mean to remind you of....him."

"No, it's okay. Maybe I am overworking Tilly. Sorry." She turned to me. "Do you want to plan? Or just wing it for a while?"

"I think you should plan. I don't wanna be mean, but could you not overwork us too much? I don't really do well under pressure. Sorry, Yuki."

"No it's fine. Thank you for telling me the truth, and giving your opinion."

"That's perfectly fine." I smiled. "I wonder who my Chosen Partner."

"You never know, Tilly." Yuki looked up at the ceiling. "You never know."

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