Chapter 16 - My Chosen Partner

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A few days had passed, and it was safe to say that I very much enjoyed being a Main Outcast. I befriended many new people during it all, including Ruby Lee, a new Outcast the same age as me. She is the latest member, and I enjoyed her company. We clicked instantly, and now we're best friends. I've never had a best friend before, so I was happy that Ruby was my first.

"Hey, Ruby. Do you know the darker sides to this place?" I asked her one morning as I sat on the edge of her bed.

"No. I don't know much about this place, really." Ruby replied, organising some of her ornaments on her shelf. "I'm not meant to be touching these, so don't tell anyone."

"Don't worry, I won't. Would you like to find out the darker side to this place?"

"Sure. I mean, there's not much to do anyways."

I told her everything I knew.

Ten minutes later, Ruby was very taken aback, but clearly as interested in the mystery as I was.

"Wow. That's some deep crap." Ruby stared at me. "I guess you were right...."

"Yeah. Figured I may as well tell someone. Get it off my chest, you know?"

"Yeah. I understand. I won't tell a soul, promise." Ruby vowed.

"Thanks, Ruby. You're a good friend."

"I know," Ruby smirked. "I have a feeling we'll find out who your Chosen Partner is, very soon."

"Let's hope so. The sooner The Creator is destroyed, the better. Then we can finally escape and do what normal people do, I guess." I replied.



"If anything ever happens to any of us.....I want you to know you're such a special person. I know you will destroy The Creator. Even if you don't, you'll inspire another generation to do the same."

"Thank you, Ruby. That means a lot to me."

"You're welcome. Anything for a friend."

I heard Yuki call out. "Oh, another meeting. Sorry Ruby. I gotta go."

"Okay. See you later, Tilly."

I ran downstairs and met up with Yuki, where Isla was solely standing next to Yuki.

"Hello, Tilly. Mark had gone to get his power tested."

"Okay," I replied. "Are you waiting for everyone else?"


"Mhm. Are you alright, Isla?" I turned to the little girl.

"Y-yes, Tilly. Thank you.....for asking." Isla responded quietly.

Suddenly, the others appeared. "What's up?"

"Not much. It's just that we need to plan ahead for the war. Is that okay with you, Tilly?" She turned to me. "I don't want to plan ahead too much."

"No, no, it's fine. Dr Janice told me my Chosen Partner should be revealed soon."

"Okay. Well, I drew a map for the each of you to take a look at." She rummaged in her pocket and produced six papers. She handed one to Emily, one to Jasper, one to Isla, one to me and kept two to herself. I assumed one was for her, and the other for Mark.

"So this is our attack stance. I hope you can understand what's going on through the drawings-"

"Guys! Hey, guys!"

I saw Mark sprinting up to us. He looked extremely happy. I wonder what was up with him.

"I've got some amazing news!"

"Not now, Mark, I'm telling everyone the plan.....wait, Mark?! What are you doing here? I thought you had The Test and stuff...?"

"I was let out early. But guess what??"

"What?" I cut in eagerly, and everyone else nodded.

"I'm a Chosen One!"

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