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"Dinah Jane, just dropped an album and it is already climbing the charts." *change*." *change* "Dinah was just released from the hospital after almost overdosing. I'd say she's very lucky person, but what about the kids are they okay?" I turn the TV off and throw the remote on the couch. I sigh and look at my empty house. Why did it end like this? My kids don't love me, my wife can't even look at me without either crying or slapping me. I just let the tears fall. I did this to myself. I get up and go to my room and grab the gun. I go back into the living room and begin writing my letter. After I finish it I grab the gun with my hands shaking. "So stupid." I mumble as I cry. No more pain from now on. I grab it more tightly and put it to my head.

No turning back, I was in too deep now.


Normani Hamilton Hansen
February 10th, 2017
Los Angeles, CA

I just got home from a business meeting for my shoe line. The deal was almost done we just had to tie up some loose strings. I was excited to see my babies, well not all of them because DJ was at his grandma house, and Dimples was on Meghan's side of the family visiting. So it was just gonna be Dinah, Korie and I.

I put my key in the door and sigh. I place my things on the counter. It felt kinda weird with the house being quiet. I was suspicious, because even with Dinah, music is always playing.

I head up the carpet steps and go to Korie's room. He wasn't in there and I know he wasn't in the playroom, because we keep it lock on certain days.

I go into me and Dinah room to find her sprawled out on the bed, lightly snoring. I laugh quietly, but that didn't stop my suspicion as to where Korie was.

All Dinah had to do was to watch him. You would think after three kids she. Now I feel so bad.

I start to wake Dinah but I heard noise coming from the bathroom. I went in there but saw nothing then I saw Korie door was open. His room connected to our bathroom, for reason like this.

He was a busy body. I ended using the restroom and while I was washing my hands Korie came strolling through butt naked with a bag in his hand. I couldn't even say anything, I was in shock.

I immediately go in my room to get Dinah.

"Dinah you had one job!" I hit her thigh

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"Dinah you had one job!" I hit her thigh.

Dinah Jane

"huh I didn't do it." I say as I feel someone hit me.

"Get up asshole." Normani says. I sit up and rub my eyes.

"What baby?"

"What? What? Look around Dinah what do you see?" She ask. I scratch my messy hair. I need to get it tamed. I look around and see nothing.

"Nothing." I look at her.

"Exactly, nothing. Tell me Dinah where are your kids."

"What you mean? Dimples and DJ was with their other family. Nat is at a play date. Koro is with his aunt Mila. I say and get up, and go to the bathroom.

"Okay that's four kids." She follows me in the bathroom.

"Okay?" I give her an 'and so' look as I wipe my face, with a rag.

She shakes her head and puts her hand on her hip.

"Dinah you have five kids." She says and I drop the towel.


"Yeah shit is right. Korie!" She yells for him. "I bet you don't even know where he is."

As I was about to answer, Korie comes out butt naked, looking at us.

"Found him." I say with a nervous chuckle.

I pick him up and he smiles. "Hey baby boy." I say.

"Sorry I lost him, but technically I didn't loose him. He was at home." She rolls her eyes.

"I'm tired DJ. It's too early I just want to sleep. Has he had a nap?" She says and I shrug as I follow her out the bathroom.

"Of course you don't know." I look at Korie as he just talks gibberish.

"Guess who's sleeping on the couch tonight?"


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