
857 36 9

July 2015


"Um no, that can't be right." I say to Solána as we look at the results together.

"Bitch we looking at the same thing, and I know I got at least 20/17." Solána says and I sigh heavily.

"This just cannot be true, I can't have kids. The doctor said so himself." I just keep looking at the pregnancy test.

"Baby! Where you at?" I hear Dinah yell and my eyes immediately widened.

"Quick help me hide this." I say and start scrambling to find somewhere to put this.

"Why? She would be happy as hell about this?" Solána asked.

"Because what if this is a false alarm, do you know how heartbroken she'll be? I'll make a doctors appointment and until then, you say nothing. Got it ?" I tell her and she just rolls her eyes.

"I guess, damn." We finish up in the and we exit out the downstairs bathroom.

"Mani?" She yelled and I go to where her voice.

"Hey baby." I let out a little sigh. All that panicking and peeing got me a little tired.

"Where you was, when I first called your name?" She said as she was fixing her something to drink.

I shrug and walk over to her. "I was in the bathroom." She lean down and pecked my lips.

"Ew." Shit I kinda forgot she was here that fast.

"I thought I took the trash out, before I left." Dinah said and I hit her in the stomach lightly.

Solána just squinted her eyes at Dinah.

"Anyway , babe I might be a little late tonight, I'm working on a dope ass collab with a new artist I just signed." I arched a eyebrow.

"And who is this artist." I ask and crossed my arms.

"You remember Arin right?" She said licking her lips. I roll my eyes because she know I know him.

"Yep." I say and was heading to the kitchen.

"Wait babe, she was in the bathroom with you? I mean I'm all up for a three some but I don't really don't think she counts."

Before I could answer Solána does it for me.

"Girl as if, you can handle two chocolate goddesses even if we spoon fed you." I smirk at her and give her a high five.

Dinah just stood there with a confused face.

"Anyway... You'll probably be sleep by the time I get back, so don't wait up. Cool?"
I smile and she pecks my lips once more.

She grabbed my waist and gripped my side lightly. "You put on a little weight?" She asked and twisted me to the side a little.


"No, no. I like you with a little meat on you, you know daddy has more to love that's all." She gripped my ass and I slap her shoulder and pushed her away. She kissed my cheek before going somewhere in the house.

"Bitch after the doctor appointment you need to tell her no matter what the results are. I also think I just threw up in my mouth , after that interaction." I roll my eyes and push her away.


"Hello, Normani? I'm Dr.Shabolobadingdong."

I guess my facial expression gave it away, because he begin to laugh.

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