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I took off my shades as I made it into the office building where we have meetings, like I had one today. Just told me to come in so she could discuss business with me. I didn't see why she couldn't share this with me over the phone but it's whatever.

"Goodmoring." I hear as I enter the fifteenth floor. I turn to look at the new secretary that they hired since SZA. I miss her snappy marks.

"Hi." I give a wave.

"Name." She ask as I almost make it pass her. I giggle. I know I'm a rookie, but damn.

"Ah, okay. I'm Normani Kordei."

"Do you have an appointment?" Is she serious?

I'm not being a brat, but- "Um, I don't know. I kinda work for the label. I'm a singer." I say as I rest my head up against the desk.

"Oh yeah what song do you have out?" "

Um my album just dropped some months ago, it's called 'The Most Dangerous Drug'." She gasped.

"I freaking love that album" I smile.

"Yeah what's your favorite?"

"Um either 3005 or let me explain." I chuckle because neither one of those are my songs, technically 3005 is Dinah songs, I just help a little.

"That's Dinah Jane album, but it's cool. So, I'm gonna go now." I walk off before she can say anything stupid.

I walk into the room and see my whole team.

"Woah. I thought this was just me and you Just?" She turns in her seat to look at me.

"Yeah it was, but we got news that all of has to be here for.

"Okay well," I sit down in the chair at the front. "let's get started."


"Normani! If I have to call your name one more time." SZA says as she looks at me.

"Huh, sorry girl I keep but blacking out." I say as I look down at the notes in front of me.

"Oh wow, I haven't noticed." She said and rolled her eyes.

"What were you thinking about anyway?" She asked and I sighed.

"I finally told Dinah about the rocnation situation." I mumble and SZA gasped

"Bitch what did she say."

"Nothing, she just held me in her arms and this morning she was gone." I say and shrug my shoulders.

"Okay so what does that have to do with you blacking out?"

"My mind keeps going back to when I was dropped from my label and Dinah was there to dry my tears.

"Oh yeah? How did Dish Detergent do that?" I ignore her comment and tell her.

"Well it was sort of like..."

Dinah Jane
February 1st
After the meeting

"Dinah." Normani came into the apartment crying and I immediately went to go console her. "What's wrong, who I gotta kill." I said seriously.

I don't play about her. "Nobody, I just got dropped from my label."

"What!" Why the hell would they do that.

"They said that I missed the record selling goal, by a thousand sales."

I smack my teeth and rub her back. "Forget them, you don't need them princess." I kiss her forehead.

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