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'Everybody wants to be famous, yeah, yeah
Everybody wants to be famous
Everybody wanna make it
Everybody tryna get somewhere
Everybody wants attention
Want you to know that they're standing right there
So many stars, they just wanna be up there with them
So they can shine bright and show the world how they fit in, yeah, yeah
They want their name in the lights
Wanna be on your flatscreen
They wanna sign autographs, all the important things'

"This is beautiful." Ty Dolla$ign said and I nod as I pass him the blunt.

"So what you think, you gon sing it for me?" I asked and he looked at me.

"I mean shidd I can, but I think it should be on your album too or at least perform live or some shit." I shake my head and grabbed the blunt.

"Naw I made this for you. I don't see myself singing this." He rolls his eyes and I laugh.

"We'll either you sing it or I won't do it at all. That's my deal, take it or leave it." I couldn't help but smirk, I really wanted him to sing this.

"Fine man. Damn." We share a laugh and shake on it.

"I gotta get up outta here. My daughter has a basketball game today." He says and I nod.

"Ight man, hit me up when you ready to start recording it." I say and he nods.

I sigh heavy and sit back in my seat. For some reason I was tired. Like even more tired than usual. It's not my kids, or family. I just don't know what the hell is going on.

I might need to go to the doctor.

"Knock , knock." I look up to see Victoria Monet.

"Oh snap. What do I owe the privilege to have you here." I say as I stand up and hug her.

"Oh nothing , just had to check on my sister in law. Wassup girl." She says as we sit across from each other.

"Girl, nothing. The usual , making hits , signing checks." I say and give her a gentle smile.

"Okay cut the crap, what's going on ?" She ask and I give her a confused face.

"I've known you since before Disin was born. You think I can't tell when something is going on with you."

I sigh and slump down in my chair. She has a point .

"I- I don't know Vic. It's like I'm in a slump or something and I don't know why. I get headaches and I get aggravated easily. I think I need to see a doctor." I say honestly.

"Yeah you should see Dr. V, I heard she works miracles." She says and crossed her legs.

"Who is that? Is she in L.A. or is she like foreign or something."

"She's me ! You just need to let me give you a dose of honesty." I roll my eyes because I really thought she was serious.


"No just hear me out. You're not sick virus wise, you're home sick." Now she's officially lost me.

"Uh DJ, you're home sick from music." She says.

"Impossible I work on music almost twenty four seven." I say as I motion to us being in a studio.

"True, but you're working on other people music. You need to get back out there." I let her words sink in for a minute.

"You know what , you may be right Vicky."

"Well duh." She says and I lightly push her.

"How's the Fam?" She asked and a small was immediately on my face.

"Good, I got in trouble last night, because I had a play date with them. Like I can't play with my kids."

"Knowing you, you were probably being too rough or some shit." She says and laughs.

"Aye, nobody got hurt so I'll say it was a success . Mani was just being a mom that's all." I said and Vic just stared at me.

"Dinah, your hair is dyed blonde, you're not an actual blonde." She pats my back as I tried to figured out what the hell she is talking about.

"Look I gotta go, I just stopped in to speak. I already seen Mani , but the next time I'm here, I have to see my nieces and nephews." And I couldn't agree more.

"You got it, gimme a hug before you go." I stand up and give her a hug and lightly squeeze her.

I watch as she leaves out , before I turn around back to the board and begin playing with some beats. I smile to myself as I think about what Victoria said.

"I guess I'm making music again."

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