CH. 21

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Warning- I am not a lawyer, judge or anything pertaining with the law.


"According to documents, you both have joint custody, so what seems to be the problem?" The judge asked.

It was the day of our court date which was pointless, but who knows shit like this never goes the way it's suppose to.

"Your honor Ms.Creed has filed for full custody, which should not be granted to her, just for the simple fact that she's not in the right mind set right now." Dina said.

Normani was sitting right next to me as we watched along.

"Go on."

"She has been in and out of rehab since Disin Jan Hansen has been 1."

She gives the judge a file, I'm guessing with the information in it.

"And now, she's back all of sudden "better" and able to take care of Disin."

Dina says that's all she has to say for now and sits down.

Jasmine's dad gets up and begin speaking.

"Your honor, yes it's no secret that my daughter has been in rehab, but the last time she went in, she stayed the whole time and got better. For the sake of her son, she wanted- no needed to get better."

I roll my eyes, pure bs.

"Now instead of looking at my daughter, let's look at the other mother- Mrs.Hansen." He points at me.

"She became a mother at a very young age, having to mature quickly, she couldn't do things that a regular sixteen year old would or could do."

"Objection. Your honor, where is this going?"

"Yes where is this going?"

"I was getting there. Your honor Miss Hansen had Disin up at the studio at wee hours of the night, who knows what could be going on. Strippers, drugs, anything."

That is complete BS.

"With that said that also makes her unable to care for the child." That shit didn't even make sense.

Dina stands up again.

"I would like to call Dinah Jane Hansen to the stand." I feel Normani squeeze my hand gently.

I smile at her before standing up.

"Mrs.Hansen, would you, DJ, made you more mature?"

"He definitely had a part of it, but before he was born, I had to be mature anyway because I'm the oldest of seven siblings."

"So you are use to taking care of kids, even at young age."

"Yes. I'd like to think I am."

"Okay, So you'd say that when Disin was born, it made you even more stronger and kept you on the straight and narrow?"

"Yes, he did. Everything I've done, he's helped motivate me to keep going." Dina nods and I look to see Mani, as she winked at me.

"That's all I have for her."

Jasmine dad's came up and begin to ask me questions.

"Dinah Jane, how many kids do you have?"

"Five." I say immediately.

"And you would say, that you love all your kids equally correct."

"Well I mean..." I was about to make a joke, but the way Normani was glaring at me, I just decided to keep it to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2019 ⏰

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