CH. 10

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'Yeah I can use
I can use
A love song'

"Ally this is good seriously, what made you write this." I asked her as I hit the stop button on the sound board.

She smiles happily. "Well Maren Morris remember I signed her not too long after a dispute with her old label." I nod my head to let her know I remember.

"Well I told her I was going to help her with her new album and if it wasn't good or does sell we , I'll reimburse her myself." I feel my eyes widened.

"You have that much assurance?" I was a little nervous not going to lie.

"Yep, because the album is going to be fourteen songs and I figured I write like three with her and if she'll like them, then I'll write more. Trust me I know what I'm doing." She rubs my back lightly.

"Ok, just let me know how it goes. I got to run to another session, I'll see you later ?" I asked and she gives me a hug before I head out.

"Wait Dinah, is everything okay with Normani and her cousin?" Ally ask me before I stepped out.

"Uhh, yeah I think so. I don't know too much I just know she called her and checked on her." Ally nods.

"Well she's in my prayer and see if you can get an autograph for me." I give her a seriously face.

"What? I loved glee." Ally said and shrugged her shoulders. I just laughed and walked out.

It's been almost two weeks since the situation with Normani's cousin , Naya. At first Naya was shocked and then after she talked to Naya , she really wasn't all that surprise and I wasn't either, because I already knew Naya was crazy. At our wedding she tried to cut somebody because they cut in line in front of her.

"DJ, what's up!" I hear as I walk into the studio.

"Hey guys, what's new?" I ask as I sit on the couch. I'm really here, just observing.

"Nothing much, but we got this new track and we want you to hear it." I sit back and motion 'go ahead' with my hand. My long arms rested along the back of the couch.

The music played through the system and it came on soft sort of , then a producer tag came on and the beat dropped.

I bobbed my head along to the beat. It wasn't like a rap song, it was more of a mellow r&b beat.

I listen to it a little longer and I stand up. "That's great. Who singing it?" I asked and checked my phone.

Missed call from sizzle😑🙄 - I scrunched my face up, what the hell she want.

"We were thinking Ella Mai." I shook my head.

"No I got another song and beat for her, EJ I'm going to send it to you and you know, put your little flavor on it." He nods and the other two look disappointed.

"Aye, this song gon be a hit whoever we- no YOU put on there. I trust y'all , don't fuck it up." They nod and I dap them up and leave out.

I call SZA back to see what she wants.

"Hey Andrea the giant, come to studio B7. Bye." She didn't even give me a chance to respond. I sigh and head down there.

So far, I've stopped at three studios and I really only listened to people. With SZA, this will probably be the only one I actually work with or have to make a serious decision.

I opened the door and was met with smoke. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Disposable, so glad you could make it. I have someone you want to meet." SZA says and I look around the room.

It was Emaza, SZA, Mani, Kehlani and some light skin girl with a slightly round face.

It was Emaza, SZA, Mani, Kehlani and some light skin girl with a slightly round face

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"Queen, meet the boss. Dinah this is Queen." The girl who I said had a round face , smiled up at me. See I knew with SZA and it was gon be some shit.

"Wassup , how you doing. Why you look familiar." I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Babe , when I was pregnant -" I cut her off

"Which time?" I ask, it was an honest question, but mani thought I was playing.

"Last time sweetie. Anyway and I made you watch those YouTube couples and pranks with me?" I nod not sure where she was goin with this.

"Well... Queen here was in some of those pranks and videos. But then I thought it was something about her, so I went and watched more and turns out she sings babe and she's actually good." I take a seat in the producer chair.

"What's your genre?" I'm nice yeah sure, but when it comes to my money and music, it's a other attitude.

"R&B and a little Hip Hop." She says and I can tell I made her just a little nervous.

I sit back in my chair and touch my chin.

"Since my wife believes in you, I'm going to give you a chance, with one song for now. And depending on how that goes, we'll see if you have a future with L.A.N.D."

She smiles lightly and gives me a thank you. I nod and motion for Mani to follow me out.

"Yeah?" She asked and pulled her shirt down lightly.

"You don't discover artist what's going on and don't bullshit me." I ask straight up.

"Okay look her husband cheated on her and it was all over social media. So I knew she could sing from those YouTube videos, and I know with that pain she can make a hit." I eye her suspiciously.

"Okay , but if this backfires it's on your hands." I say and peck her lips, which she returns.

"Thanks baby." She mumbled against my lips.

"See you at home."

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