CH. 20

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"What the hell are you doing here?" This was not going to end well. SZA thought.

Her and Normani were in the studio working on a collaboration that pretty much everyone has been asking for, when they heard a commotion outside.

"What the hell?" Normani said as she got up and went outside.

"Where is she! Huh I want to see my son!"

Normani could not believe her eyes. It was Jasmine.


"You?!" Jasmine gritted out. She tried to get out of the security guard arms, but there was no point.

"Jasmine what are you doing?" Normani asked.

"Looking for my fucking son! Where is he?!"

"Look Jasmine I think you need to calm down-"

"Bitch I think you need to get the fuck out my face and go find my son."

"Um, who the hell you calling a bitch?!" SZA said as she begin to walk up to her , but Normani stopped her.

"It's okay Solana. I got this." Normani said calmly. A little too calmly.

"You better , before I handle it." SZA said and just chilled in the back.

"Jasmine, you haven't been here in what two years and now you want to see him? Do you know anything about him?" Normani said as she stepped just a bit closer.

"Look, that's my son. I want to see my fucking son. How many times do I have to tell you that hoe-"

"Well you can't." Normani said and clasped her hands together.

"How bout that? Hmm? You can't see him, not if I have anything to do with it." Normani said with a polite smile on her face. She was determined not to stoop down to her level.

"Bitch fuck you! Where's Dinah?"

Before Normani could answer Dinah came walking down the long hall to the scene.


"Oh thank god Dinah. Finally someone with some since." She said throwing that last remark at Normani.

Normani just ran her tongue across her front teeth, so she won't say something outta pocket.

"Jasmine have you lost your mind! Showing up at my business and for what ?" Dinah was beyond pissed. She hasn't seen the woman since she left rehab years ago.

"I'm here to see my son, where is he?"

"You need to leave. Like now." Dinah said firmly.

"I'm not going anywhere till I see him."

Dinah nodded.

"Okay, you wanna see," Dinah pulled out her phone and showed her a photo.

"Look there he is. Now leave for I force you out." Dinah didn't even want to talk to her.

"Fuck you and that bitch. You know what, I'll just take yo ass to court or did you forget my dad is a lawyer and a good one at that. Jasmine stated with a smirk

Dinah sighed. "I don't fucking care! Get the hell out of my building! Fuck you okay. Do you realize you left me alone to raise him, while yo ass went on got hooked on drugs." Dinah was on the verge of turning slightly red.

Normani decided to intervene.

"Baby, come on. She's not worth it." Normani said and pulled on her wife's arm.

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