CH.16 (Extra Chapter)

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"Do you have something you want to tell me."

Was the first the Lauren said as she stormed into, Camila's apartment.

"Lauren what the hell are you doing here?" Camila said as she tried to make herself look a little more presentable.

"Camila, where's Tyler?" Now that really started Camila as Lauren asked that question.

"Why is that important to you right about now? He's sleeping if you must know."

Lauren nodded as she begin pacing back and forth in front of Camila who was sitting on the couch looking at her like she was crazy.

Lauren nodded as she begin pacing back and forth in front of Camila who was sitting on the couch looking at her like she was crazy

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"Lauren what is your problem. It's like 3:00 in the mo-"

"Tell me the truth Camila." Lauren cut her off.

"Huh?" Camila had a slight gut feeling of why she was here, but until she was sure, she was going to keep her poker face.

"You know, EXACTLY what I'm talking about." Lauren snapped.

She was slightly pink and by the vein in the corner of her forehead she was about to lose it.

"I can't know if you don't tell me, Lo." Camila knew the old nickname would get her to talk to her more calmly.

Lauren was almost scared to utter the words, so she pulled out her phone and went to what someone sent her earlier today.

Lauren was almost scared to utter the words, so she pulled out her phone and went to what someone sent her earlier today

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Camila grabbed the phone and examined the photo.

She furrowed her brows together.

She let out a dry chuckle. "Why is there a baby picture of Tyler and you side by side?" She handed the phone back.

Lauren glared at Camila. She was honestly tired of the whole situation. Lauren first put the pieces when a drunk Dinah was talking to her and they both were making jokes about kids and Dinah told her she saw a post on Instagram that had her and Camila's baby together.

"If I didn't know any better Lauren, I would honestly think Tyler was yours." As Dinah continued to laugh, but Lauren quickly faded.

She really started to think. The dates don't add up. It was one time. She wrapped up or did she.

"D-Dinah I gotta go." Lauren quickly got up and layed money on the table.

"This is my man cave, why are you leaving money." Dinah yelled after her, but Lauren was already rushing out to her mustang and heading over to Camila's house.

"Camila, I'm going to ask this one time and one time only. I want the fucking truth too, when I ask."

Camila gulped nervously as she played with her fingers.

"Is he mine?" Lauren asked as her voice quiver.

Camila just bowed her head as tear dropped down her cheek.


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