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"Okay so this is the cover we came up with, because of the idea you gave us. What do you think?" I was in a meeting about my sophomore album coming out soon, and I was very excited. I got the title but I was a little stuck on the cover.

 I got the title but I was a little stuck on the cover

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"This isn't too bad." I smile as I look at it .

They all look at me as I examine the cover art.

"This is amazing guys, thank you. Now moving on to the songs that I want on there."

They all nod.

"First, have you decided how many you want on there?" Michelle asked me and I smiled.

"I don't want to pull a chris brown or anything, but I do want a good amount. I actually had a good amount. I'm waiting on the producers to finish up the list of songs we already did." They nod

"Okay so just get back with us ASAP, so we can figure what angle we can tackle this at, okay?" I smile and nod.

We finish up the meeting and I prepared to head home and hang with my babies.

I was heading out the building, when I got a phone call from my good friend.

"Hey Justine." I say in a sing songy voice.

"Hey girl, tell my why, news going around that you about to leave, L.A.N.D? "

I immediately stop walking. "Huh?"

"Girl yes, why I feel like I'm the last to know."

"Because it's not true Justine. Who told you that?" Normani asked her as she begin to walk again.

"Social media did, it's a picture of you and Brandon laughing it up with a exec of the label. Hold on Imma send the pic."
Justine said.

As if she could see her, Normani nodded.

Normani phone vibrated, indicating that she sent it.

She opened the picture and there it was. Her and Brandon sitting in one of the offices at Rocnation headquarters.

"Shit." She mumbled to herself.

This was in no way good at all for her.

"Justine let me call you back. I will explain later."

"Okay gir-" She hung up the phone before Justine finished talking.

Normani rubbed her head in frustration.

She went to her car and hit the steering wheel.

"Fuck!" All she thought was that Dinah was definitely not going to like this. Maybe she hasn't heard already. Normani suggested.

"Who are we kidding, she definitely knew." Normani said to herself.

She put her head on the steering wheel, trying to regain some control.

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