CH. 2

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Dinah Jane
March 1st, 2017

"I think this would be perfect here and that there." I say to the movers. He nods at me and starts on the project.

I smile as my vision was coming to life. This would be my third and maybe last office.

I wanted a building for Ally, Lauren and I, so this was perfect. Since Lauren loved New York so much she can have this office. Ally had a Texas office and I had the first one, in Los Angeles.

I checked my phone for any messages from Normani. She said she would let me know when she landed and she knows how worried I get, when she don't do it. I shake my head to think about something else.

I decide to go back to the studio and work with Cerradi. They have been popping with their single Active, so I wanted to piggy back off that with some songs Lauren and I wrote together. It was for sure to be a hit with them.

I hopped in my wedding gift that my baby got me. It was infiniti truck. She knew that I like things that reminded me of myself. It was big just like me. In more ways than one.

I pull out of the construction office and headed to my studio. I hit up Cerradi's manager aka their mom. She almost got them released from her contract. Luckily I could understand where she was coming from.

It was kinda sad that they had to move on without Znuie. I thought she was funny and had a pretty voice, but you never know what goes on behind closed doors.

It took me about twenty minutes to get to my studio, luckily I was on my time so it was fine. I signed in and headed to studio 1. Emaza, my little prodigy was already there. I smiled at her she was so dedicated.

"Maza, my sweet how's it going?" She looked up from the keyboard and smiled. "Good, I just did this dope ass beat." I nod and give her a quick nod, before sitting next to her. "Let me hear it." She nodded and hit the button. Soon a guitar type sound and a simple thump filled the room.

I nodded my head and when the beat dropped slightly, I smiled widely. She looked at me studying my face. "I like it, no I love it. Real shit." I said once the song ended. "Seriously?" I nodded and got an idea. "Matter of fact, I want it on my album." Her mouth dropped open. "You swear?" I laugh and stand up. "Mhm, in fact- do you remember what I taught you with recording songs and stuff?" She nodded and went to touching the sound board.

I went into the booth ready to lay down some lyrics. She gave me the thumbs up and started the track. This was kinda off the dome, so I hope I didn't fuck up. It was like I blanked out as I started going in. We got that in two takes and it only took two hours to lay it down.

I told her I would do some finishing touches, so we could start on them. This song was recorded by Kehlani because she was in there at the time. Lauren and I really needed to get the feel of it, so we made her do it.

"Aight so we called it Fade to Sade."

"Alright, I like it already." Cerrai said and adjusted her hat.

"Good, this had a feature on it, but you two will be good for it, so let's get started." I gave them the lyrics and played the melody on my piano for them. Once they learned the words, it was go time. I had them working from six to nine. They were a little tired so it was worth it.

"Girls, girls hold on its the Mrs calling. Take five." I say as I step out.

"Wassup Queen?"

"Hey Dinah sorry I didn't call you earlier, I had jet lag."

"It's okay baby, you feel better?" I ask.

"Mhm, but I would be much better if you were here. I miss you." I smile widely.

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