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'Just left my baby girl a message
Said I wouldn't be coming home
I rather be alone'

Dinah wrote the lyrics down as she listened to the melody. It was beautiful and soft, but also kinda a hard knock to it. She still didn't know if she was going to sing it or give it to someone. She's still on the edge about coming back. It's been two years.
She was starting to enjoy being a stay at home mom, but she did miss her fans.

"Hey babe." Normani said coming in with her gucci purse. She took off her dark shades and looked around.

"Dinah this place is cluttered."

She said as she started to pick up balled up paper.

"Don't touch those, I have to look back at them."

"Why?" Normani scrunched up her face.

"Because they didn't go for this song, but maybe for another one." Normani nodded.

"You ready?"

"Uh, yeah. You got the lyrics?" Normani nodded and shook her phone.

"Yep, which one we doing?" Dinah rolled her chair to the sound board.

"Let's do, 'Hurt You'." Normani went inside the booth and sat on the stool.

"You ready Mani?" Normani gave a thumbs up, and put on the headphones

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"You ready Mani?" Normani gave a thumbs up, and put on the headphones.

She bobbed her head as the piano filled her ears. Hours later, they were still at it, only this time, Dinah was frustrated and Normani was aggravated.

"Normani what the hell is your problem? Sing the song like it's suppose to sound."

"Bitch! Don't talk to me like your little hoes. You want me to sing the song like you want to hear it and I am not feeling that shit."

Normani said, neck and eye rolling and all. Dinah sighed as she looked at Mani through the glass.

"The fuck is your problem tonight? You not singing with passion, you just singing." Normani touched the tip
of her nose. She really didn't want to slap her wife tonight, so she made a conscious decision.

"DJ. Let's just come back later and finish this. It's getting late and I have to pick up the twins, Natalie, and Dimples from daycare."

For the first time since they been there, Dinah checked her watch. It was going on two o'clock, they been at it since that morning.

She sighed and sat back in the chair, it reclined a little bit.

"Mm, aight come on out." Normani was having a party on the inside. She was tired her feet were swole and if she sung one more note,  her voice would be fucked up.

She came out the booth and pulled up her shorts slightly. Dinah was watching her gather her things.

"I'll see you at home or...." Normani said as she put her shades back on.

"Actually," Dinah stood up. "Imma ride with you." Normani didn't put up a fight, she just watch Dinah shut everything down.

"Alright let's go."

They gave each other some quick pecks as Dinah opened the door.

They had a deal that when they work together and got too frustrated, they wouldn't take that negative energy with them. So they would kiss right before they left every time. They realized that they just want their creation to be perfect and it had nothing to do with their personal life. There was nothing against each other.

They walked out hand and hand. Once they were walking out the building, they saw SZA.

"Bestfriend!!!" Normani said and let Dinah's hand go.

"Hey Bitch!!" Dinah rolled her eyes. They hugged before they let go. SZA looked at Dinah and dropped her smile.

"Hey stupid."

"Yo mama."


"Hey, hey, mutual corners. Cut it out." Normani said.

Dinah grabbed the keys and went to the car, while SZA caught up with Normani. Ever since Normani signed SZA to L.A.N.D. they haven't really talked much as they would like. The conversation ended and by the time Normani was at the family escalade, Dinah was sleep.

She smack her teeth and went to the kids daycare.

Dinah slept all the way to the daycare. Normani woke her up, so she could help her get the kids. Normani signed them out,while Dinah gathered them all.

"Okay one, two, three,- stop moving. Wait we're missing one." Dinah said and she started over.

"There's suppose to be four you. Where is the missing child." Dinah said and Normani shook her head.

It was true though, they were missing Dimples. Normani looked around the room and stopped once she heard giggling.

"Hmm, I wonder were Jasmine is." Normani said playfully as she got closer to the giggles.

"Maybe she's here!" She popped her head into the cubby and Dimples screamed lightly and open Normani face appeared.

"Let's go my baby." Normani picked her up and Dimples patted her back lightly.

"Found the missing child." Dinah turned around at the sound of Normani's voice.

"Thank God, I thought I was tripping. You ready?"

"Mhm, so how are we doing this?" Dinah sighed and scratched her head.

"Okay you get the twins and I get the girls."

Normani immediately shook her head.

"F no. You know Koro and Korie move too much in my arms. I'll carrie Natalie and Dimples will hold my hand and you get the twins." Dinah poked her lip out and shrugged.

"Mkay. K K," The twins looked up as they drunk their milk.

"Come on. Up." She picked up Koro up and then Korie and like Normani said they started wiggling in her arms.

Luckily Dinah was strong enough to hold them.

"Baby, I already got the boys bag, you grab the other one." Normani nodded and grabbed the diaper bag. Once she was settled, she grabbed Dimples hand and patted Natalie's back as she slept.

Normani walked in front of Dinah just in case. Dinah never liked for any of her family to walk behind her. It was just a pet peeve. Once they got in the Escalade, they strapped all four kids.

Normani sighed happily as she got in the driver's seat. "You good mama?" Dinah had grabbed her hands and kissed it.

"Yeah, I just- my stomach, but I'll be okay." She released her hand from Dinah's and started the truck up.

"So who's picking up Disin?" Normani asked.

"I called an uber." Normani reached over and smacked Dinah on the nose.

"Ow! What the hell?" The kids laughed.

"Don't play with me DJ. Where is my son?" Dinah knew she was serious, so she thought long and hard, because she really didn't know where he was.

"My mom will pick him up." Dinah said and tried to be confident. Normani side eyed her.

"You better hope so." Normani turned her turning single and made a right going home.

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