CH. 5

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"Okay from the top. Playback," The music begin to play as Sean counted me in.

"Five, six, seven, eight." I dropped to the ground and did the floor choreo.

"Good Mani." I grabbed the mic and begin to sing. This was a new song I have with one of my favorite artists. Kehlani. She was also Dinah's good friend. This collaboration was long overdue, and I couldn't wait to share it. We were debuting the song at the BET awards.

We we're going to do it on Teen Choice, but this was no song for a kid award show.

"And cut, great job. Normani just a few more things to go over and we'll be ready for Saturday." I smiled happily and jumped on my toes.

"My back up dancers stay back we need to work on some things!" Sean yelled out.

"Normani you can head out, unless you want to see this." I shake my head as I grab my things.

"No, I trust you. I'll see you again Thursday?"

"You got it and tell Kehlani next time I want to actually see her." I giggle and give him an okay.

"Are you ready Normani." I look up to see my bodyguard Rob. Usually it rotates between him and Tim.

"Yeah, let me grab my stuff." He nods and watches as I gather my things.

We head out to the truck that the label  provided for me. I shake my head just thinking about how, I left Dinah's label to go to Keep Cool. She was so hurt and it almost cost us the wedding, because it was around the time we started planning.

She didn't even know I was looking for a label and I wasn't. It was mostly Brandon's decision. It got to the point where my contract got fucked over and it just made me want to quit right there, but as always Dinah took care of me. I love that women she's my rock.

"We're here Normani." The driver said and open the door for me. I give him a grateful smile as I exit the door. I sighed and walked into the recording studio.

Today I would be working with another one of my favorite artists. Miguel.

Miguel has such a beautiful voice. I met him back in twentysixteen, he was so sweet and wasn't bad on the eyes either. Don't tell Dinah that though.

"Normani. The black queen herself." I smile brightly as Miguel greets me as I walk in.

"Hello Miguel." I give him a warm hug and inhale his sent.

"How you doing, it's been what two years." I nod and move some hair out my face.

"Yeah, yeah it has. I've been good enjoying the motherhood life."


"Thank you." We continue to do small talk until the producer walks in.

Today we just wanted to work on the melody and theme for the song. I didn't want to do lyrics just yet. We worked for a while until I was tired and ready to go home to see my babies.

"Thank you again Miguel. Again." I hugged him before leaving out.

Dinah Jane

I have five kids. They all have special things, that I love about them. For example, DJ is my first born. Jasmine is my first baby girl. Natalie is my miracle baby she is the baby. Then the twins, well they're twins. Disin is four going on five and is about to start kindergarten and I'm kinda nervous for him. He has a stutter and although I find it cute, the kids will bully him for it and I don't have time to kill anybody kids. Normani said he'll grow out of it and I know that, but he'll grow out of it faster if we take him to a specialist.

Next you have my baby Dimples. Dimples is three going on four and she is very playful, but has a RBF. If you don't know her or she doesn't know you she puts up a defense mechanism and that is her face. I'm convinced she learned that from Normani.

Third you have my Miracle baby Natalie. She was so small when she was born, she could fit in my palm. I was scared for her, but I had to be strong. She's not real exciting right now, but I relate to her on a whole nother level, because all she does is sleep. Normani was worried she might be narcoleptic, but when we took her to the doctor, he said that she was fine and we shouldn't be too worried.

I was jealous of her though because she got to sleep all the time, but I had to be an adult.

Lastly were the middle babies. They may be identical, but they were nothing alike. Koro when it came to those too he was slower to get things, like walking. Korie was energetic and sneaky. We tell them apart now by their teeth, Koro has more teeth then Korie, but soon we're gonna have to do something else.

Normani suggested that we do their hair differently. Like one gets braids and the other one twisted. I was all for it, long as I didn't have to do it. I am forever grateful for my kids, my family and I would be a fool to let that go away.

"Baby!" I smiled as I heard Normani's voice.

"In the bedroom!" I yelled and made Natalie jumped slightly. She was laying on my chest. Normani came in the room slightly panting.

"Hey baby." She said, I thought she was talking to me, but then she kissed Natalie.

See what I mean, I  have a right to be jealous. Mani went into our closet and took off her clothes.

"How was rehearsal?" I asked. She groaned as she took off her shoes.

"Tiring. I just want to take a nice bath and sleep." I frowned at that. I want some kitty.

We haven't really had time because of reasons like this and with Natalie only being six months we didn't really have alone time.

"Well maybe after you do that, we could um, you know." Normani came out the closet with the towel wrapped around her.


I sigh and stand up off the bed. I place Nat in her little bed in our room and follow Normani into the bathroom.

"Normani we haven't had sex in like six months." She turns on the water before looking back at me.

"Dinah seriously? When do we have the time. I mean come on. The kids, and our job don't really give us time."

She spoke truthfully. I sigh and rest my back against the sink.

"Man.." I mumble.

I guess she saw my sad face because she came up to me and cupped my cheek and kissed me. I gripped her waist and pull her into me.

"You poking baby." She mumbled against my lip and tilted her head to the other side. I moaned and grabbed her ass.

"I know." I say and release her lips to kiss her neck.

"Mmphh. Dinah baby..." She whimpered. I felt the towel fall between us and internally groaned. I bend down more and suck on juicy breast.

"Fuck yes! Right there." She said and threw her head back. By now I knew I was extremely rock hard. She felt so good in my arms just like she was suppose to be.

"Damn baby you gon take care of me? You can't leave me hanging like this."

She knew exactly what I was talking about because she moved away from me and turned off the water.

I bit my lip as I watched her close the door of the bathroom.

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