CH. 18

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"I mean she just literally asked were those her kids." I said as I cried to friends.

"Mani are you serious, why the hell would she do that!" Mila said she was at the foot of my bed, rubbing my leg and I was in Choie arms crying.

"It's official. I'm gonna kill her." Lauren said almost too calmly. She was standing up against the door frame with her arms crossed.

SZA hands me some tissue and I thank her quietly.

"I mean, I know they are dark skin, but still. She knows that she was the one I been with. The only one!" I yell and I can feel my voice get horse.

"I told you to change the locks." Naya said.

"Not now, girl." SZA says and I can tell she wants to lightly laugh.

Naya shrugs.

"Look Normani, what do you want to do?" I sit and think for a second and shrug, before breaking down again.

"I don't know." I cry out.

Suddenly I hear the downstairs door open. We all look to the door to see who it is, that's about to come up the stairs.

I was slightly relieved that it wasn't Dinah and then again I was a little disappointed. What did I expect when I was the one who put her out.

"Mani baby." Mamalika says and comes to sit on the bed by me. I could tell she had a sorry look in her eyes.

"Hi." I say, my voice coming out soft because I'm almost hoarse from crying.

"Sweetie , I am so so sorry on behalf of my dumbass daughter." She says and grabs my hands.

I look around the room at my friends who was eyeing us. "Guys , can you give us a minute." I tell them.  They all get up and I can tell by Lauren's face, she's thinking about doing something crazy.

So I give Camila a look that says 'Don't let her do anything  stupid'. She nods and walks down the stairs.

Once they leave, I look back at Dinah's mom.

"She told you?" I asked, kinda surprised she would go to her mom with that information.

However, her mom shook her head. "No, Dinah isn't that dumb to come to me with such a stupid accusation." She says and we both chuckled.

"I overheard Masi talking to his mom about the situation who told Lani and that's who told me. I came over here soon as I found out." She says and I nod before getting tearful.

"I- I would never chea-" She immediately stops me.

"Hey no, no. It's not your fault sweetie. I don't ever want you to doubt yourself like that." I nod and she pulls me into her arms.

"I also tracked her down and she's on her way now." My her begin to beat fast.

"No. No I don't want to see her." I say and shake my head.

"Hey no. Shhh. Yes I completely understand and now she needs to apologize. I don't know what the hell she was thinking." She says.

"I do." I say and gulp nervously.

"What do you mean sweetie?"

"There's been tension between us, ever since she found out about my visit with rocnation." I say. Mamalika just stays quiet.

"And I'm-"

"Normani," My heart skips a beat at that voice. I look up slowly and see that it was Dinah.

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