One: Not wise enough

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"Right you lot time to drill, let's get going!" Slapping hands together, with a few groans from the younger recruits, they are still young, young enough that they don't have much experience in life, relationships and most of all work, they have never seen what ive seen in the 30 years if my career! Things that have been seen can never be unseen! Things that haunt you.

"Dan boy so plans tomorrow?" Tapping his shoulder
"Gym, sleep. And out after all it's Friday?!"
"Good plan. Were are we going?"
"I'll find out later.. prob just town!"

"DAN, ROBO. STOP YOUR CHATTING AND GET INTO THE DRILL. First warning" bellowing from behind them

"Jesus what's rattled his cage!" Whining at his growling tone

"He's a grumpy arse!"
"Robo stop yeah." Warning Rob again knowing full well what can and will happen!


"Yeah boss we hear.. well done Robo." Grunting as pulling on his jacket


"Lets get this bullocking over with!" Robo sarcastically and Arrogantly stood up
"Rob mate come on don't get me in any more shit yeah." With a throbbing headache

"Boss." Arrogantly walks in the office
"Boys right. Do none of you want learn? Dan your nearly at your full driving qualification." Straight in there with questions firing at us

"Sorry boss."
"Rob your record isn't the best and if it was any other Sargent they would have your arse rolling out of this station before you could blink a bloody eyelid.. yet you stand on my ground talking when I'm training you to be better, bigger, more experienced firefighters. Firefighters who can not and will not be beaten by anyone or anything!"
"Dan Sorry isn't what i want to hear! Rob what's funny?"
"Nothing boss" smirking

Few minuets silent studying right here and now! Narrowed eyes, frowning eyebrows!

"Why the smirk? You know when your my age in my position with responsibility of 10 or so men & women. The growling years of things that should never have been seen then you can stand here smirking."
"Okay" rob replied with not a care in the world
"Dan can you wait! Robo we are done your being put on a performance course."
"What for talking?" Huffing

"Yes lack of concentration, lack of team association and most of lack of being able to listen to commands! I can not trust you to listen to my instructions at a fire at a RTC.. I will sort the paperwork and we will discuss."
"That's a joke I'm a good fire fighter!" Standing up pointing to nothing except the air, eyes wide, short of breath.

"No you are unreliable.. Rob we are done.. Dan stay."

Slamming the door shut Rob was gone storming out of sight! Sitting back down in the chair rubbing forehead choosing what words to say first!

"Dan. Tell me why are you getting involved with Rob? You have potential to be a very good fire fighter!"
"I wasn't talking to him he spoke to me."
"Okay, my advise is stay clear you don't want to get tarnished with the same brush as him.."
"I understand"
"Good your nearly there Dan don't go fuck it up now!! You can be a good fire fighter.. Go, go get dinner!"

With heavy feet that felt like lead balloons.
Robo was messing about, goofing around like not a care of what just happened!

"Dude what a joke!" He came bouncing over holding a pool cue in his hand
"Mate, didn't you hear what just got said."
"Yeah he's just in a mood!"
"No he isn't! "
"Dan what's up? It's a joke"
"Nothing seriously just leave it."
"lighten up mate yeah"

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