Two: Alex

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Walking into the fire house that haven't been in for years actually felt like home. Memories of me Springing from sofa to sofa, sliding down poles. Running around like a loony jumping out on the staff, sneaking an extra cookie from the cook. The smell is still the same, soot mixed with warmth & leather filled my lungs.

"Here's the ideal person... Dan."
"Oh hi." Holding his hand out to me to shake it
"Dan, this is Alex.." Samantha introduced us.

Her strong tone was husky from the amount of cigarets she has a day! Her ginger dyed hair bounced around her shoulders as she moved, the curvaceous of her was attractive because she was a confident women many would only dream to be! Me for one!

"Hi nice to meet you." Everyone was staring with wonder of who I may be
"My god Alex.... Alex no way.. I last saw when what you were 10!!" An older man approached me and his swagger said it all
"Bob..." questioning I had said the correct name
"Does your dad know your here?"
"No.. surprise" wincing at the pain of holding this heavy bag while raising my arms

"You two know each other. Hi I'm Robo and I'm single." Arrogantly pushing by Bob & Dan holding his hand out to me
"Hi. Alex. Not interested." With yells and banter talk from the others in the room he shamefully walked off, Samantha grinned with approval.

"I knew I liked you." She grinned

"Is my dad here? I wasn't sure if he would be but thought be the best place to start!" Directing toward Bob

"Yeah. Like home to him.." Dan added while shoving his hands in his pockets

"I know that feeling." Mumberling and Bob swiftly replied

"One. always your home & Two. lets go find him.. pass your bag. Thanks Sam I'll take it from here" winking at me she swiftly left

Walking down the long white and grey checker board flooring towards the part frosted glass offices that I once smashed with bob playing ball games, Bobs voice seemed in such a distance compared to my own thoughts.

"Knock knock: Boss someone here to see you!" Bob knocked and went in
"Bob not now yeah." Head down to the papers that seemed to hug every inch of his desk!

"Boss no you will want to see this visitor!." Slowly pulling the door shut behind me, dads expression was a surprise! A surprise that swiftly begun with a smile

"Alex.. what you doing here"
"Dad.. I just wanted to see you"
"Baby girl come here.." feeling the warmth of his arms that held on me tightly, tears could have easily sheded down my cheeks, the smell of old spice that mixed with the smell of soot.

"Sorry guys.. Tea?" Bob asked

"Please.." mumberling at the same time

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