Five: Alex

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Turning up outside Kevin's house knowing What I am about to tell her, stAying in the car for a few minuets watching the autumn leaves sweep across the roads. People going about there own day to day things with there own worries in the world.

Paying bills, family members who are sick, children needed to be collected from school.. you name it everyone have worries and right now I need to go tell a lady I barely know.

"Oh hi.. my dad isn't here... why are you here?" Looking down the stairs to see his car parked up but in his uniform
"No I know.. don't panic."
"Well I will panic now won't I! Why aren't you on shift?"
"Your sister. Abigail is in hospital.. she's okay but not great, your dad is there. I need to get you to the hospital"

Gasping for air was unbearable and seeing her not able to catch it.

"Okay okay calm down.. bags... bags... okAy here... slowly inhale, exhale! Again.. again.. good well done. Okay let's get you to the hospital.." nails digging into the palm of my hand was a killer, her bright blue eyes wide the inhale and exhale was only going to last so long before the panic and adrenaline kicks in!

"Come let's get you in the car yeah.." reaching for her coat that hung by the door. Moving her arm from my grip she winced with what clearly was pain!

The short journey was awkward and quiet, Alex held the bag tightly and stared straight ahead. The hospital was busy as we walked through noticing Becky grinning at me from behind the desk I politely nodded and kept walking with Alex next to me. Oh man I did I go there with her, a moment of weakness clearly!

The corridor was short before Alex saw her dad!

"Alex.." Kevin just turned around to see us walking
"Dad.. what happened?"
"She crashed that's all I know.. dan.. thank you"
"Yeah thanks Dan"

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