Eight: The job

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"Dan in your face" Bob slammed the ping pong ball across the table
"Shut it old man.. I'm still winning" lining the ball up to start again with the bells going down to a stuck kid in a river.

" it a kid!"
"What?" Taking the print out from Robo
"Alright boys let's go. A kid is struck in the river.." jumping in the truck lights spinning, horn being pulled no one moving because everything is gridlocked due to Christmas shoppers

"God sake bloody Christmas shopping"
"Dan calm it" bob had a warned tone.

Assessing the scene where the kid was tuck frozen in the river, mother and siblings going in melt down screaming at us to help her son. Grabbing the rope and a ladder before anyone else had chance to move.

"Dan.... wait" Kevin called
"No Bob hold the rope" tying it around my waist and laying the ladder down to climb over it
"Hiya stay still yeah I'll be there." Calling to the kid
"I'm cold"
"I'll have you out soon" slowly get him loose from the ice they others pulled him back to the edge as I crawled back across the ladder.

"My office... tidy up and let's get back!!"
Kevin's words were colder than how I actually felt

"Daniel office" Kevin told me before I had even taken my boots off
"I know"
"Now" Kevin was gone

"No need to knock its open" boss was standing at his window

Pulling the door shut he looked at me

"What was you thinking.."
"Time was the essence"
"Yes agree but you didn't communicate you didn't go on my orders and you didnt asses the situation"
"You never gave any orders! I did asses it."
"I know this time of year is shit for you but don't risk my watch and your job!"
"It's nothing to do with this time of year.."
"What eating you then?.. is it Alex helping her collecting her things?"
"No nothing to do with her!"
"What is it then?"
"Just things on my mind!"
"Got told that a girl I had one night with is pregnant! It's not what I want... I don't like her it was a one nighter.. "
"This girl all you can be is there for her"
"Im such a idiot"
"Look do me a favour?"
"What's that?"
"Make a coffee and go help Sam with his study! I trust you"
"Yep okay will do!"

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