Six : sometimes things get said

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"Alex.. who is Brian?" He appeared and slammed down a letter which might I add was addressed to me and not to him

"Brian.. what?"
"Who is he?"
"You undone my mail?"
"You haven't told me anything!"
"I don't have too!!"
"What is he talking about.. divorcing you! When did you get married?" Aggressive tone
"It was a mistake.. we hardly spoke over the years anyway."
"A huge mistake... when did this happen?"
"18 months ago. We dated for 4 years! I thought I loved him! I thought he loved me!"
"Right.. what has made my children turn to making stupid decisions. Dating and now married to wrong men!"
"You dad.. you and mum have... mum cheated and left I get that but you.. you drove her to it."
"Watch your mouth" pointing at me
"No.. you asked! Long shifts we barely saw you.. when did you ever hug mum? Kiss her? Tell her you loved her."
"She left not me."
"Yes your right she left you not us that is the difference! I am going out... before I say something I later regret!! And Brian is a complete arsehole! "
"Yes go" his reflection in the mirror showed him turning around showing his back to me..

A few hours passed well a whole night passed if I am honest very slowly... A cosy night in a swanky hotel was needed, plucking up the courage to pop by the station to see dad!

"Hey dad.." poking my head around door after a couple of knocks first

"Alex. Where have you been?" Still anger along with disapproval in his tone

"Hotel! Thought few hours apart!"

"But you didnt think to tell me where you were?"

"No. Didn't think you would want to know & space apart to calm down!"

"Well... I'm busy right now." Looking back at his computer which he wasn't busy he was playing cards and I know that because of the reflection on his glasses

"Oh.... oh okay I will go then"


Shaking head furiously walking back down the corridor

"Alex. Hey " dan appeared


"Your dad is in his office!"

" oh I know!! Has he been in there all day?"

"Yeah why? Not any different if honest!"

"Lutenient.." a young lad appeared to the Side of us

"Yes sam" Dan glanced at him

"Bob said I needed to find you for my next jobs?"

"Right.. okay give me min." Still staring at us

"Sam I will come get you" and he left

"Luetenit aye!" Sarcastic tone under batted breath

"Hey I've done good to get here!"

"Sure.. has he said anything?"

"Not really, tried talking to him but nothing. Haven't you seen each other?"

"Not till now, I stayed at hotel last night"

"That probably annoyed him more!"

"Clearly!! Basically told to bugger off! Can't win" tilting head with sympathy

"Don't think your meant to! He is a good man just don't take too long to make up!"

Noticing dan nod over his shoulder stood bob calling him!

"I'm needed.. look tonight meet me on the oak bridge say 7pm"


"Just do it yeah?"

"Why? Tell me why?"

"7pm.. alright bob" and they were gone, glancing back at dads office door that hadn't even moved

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