Fourteen: Finding each other

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A shilloute perched over on a bench that over looked the lake. Arms pulled tightly the mist seemed to hoover over the water while a couple of birds stayed close to the edge. Breath of relief knowing that was Alex. Who else could it have been anyway!

"Alex... Jesus aren't you cold?"
"Shit. You made me jump"
"Are you okay?" Tears streaming down her red flushed cheeks
"Just wanted some time alone" trying to compose herself, my heart strings prang with feelings, feelings that I wanted to make everything okay.
"Can I?" Hinting at sitting next to her
Nodding not saying a word, leaving a small gap between us knowing full well she must be cold!

"Here take these" passing my gloves to her, which she pulled on slowly again not speaking a word, her nose was red just as her cheeks were.

"Wow.. the view... look at the moons reflection" stunning picture if only I had a camera..
Robs voice was getting quieter so he was going the complete wrong way.

"Rob found her: go back to cabin be there soon" shoving my phone away

"You found me you can go back now"
"No.... I'm staying"
"No need"
"Well tough I am!!"

Silence was beautiful, the odd Bird sounds, the crackle of the trees.

"You know Alex... it's okay to accept help."
"I don't need help"
"Well agree to disagree... I know your angry with your dad but you know he's your dad"
"Angry is an understatement and Kevin isn't my dad"
"Yes he is."
"No hes not.... hes not my dad" tears streamed down her cheeks
"He fostered me.... great my mother didn't want me and my real father didn't want me..."
"What? Hang on.."
"No... kevins not my dad... he fostered me... he met Mum when I was a baby... he's not my dad" the breathing mixed with sobs of a broken women who clearly felt empty and lost

"Okay okay..." pulling her into my chest her tears soaked in.. the raise An fall of her body against mine, feeling every sob that came out!

"Sorry.." she muttered
"It's fine... what can I do Alex?"
"Nothing" her bottom lip trembled, with a heavy heart words I can barely say cane out! Not even my beautiful ex fiancé knew

"My parents abandoned me when I was 3! My mum couldn't handle being a single mother & my dad well he was a drinker and drunk himself into an early grave! Not that I ever met him! My mum well I have basic contact but my foster parents are amazing and well I couldn't ask for more.." her eyes glissand against the moon light

"I lost them both last year.... I understand... they were my world... I understand Alex.. don't push me away.... I... never thought I could want someone as much as I do now... and yet knowing they don't feel the same is braking!"

"You don't know me"
"You want to do this again? Green eyes, Louisa is your middle name.. I knew I could love you when I first saw you bouncing through with Samantha.."

"I hardly bounced through."
"You did... you might think you are but your not alone...Kevin loves you like his own"
"But I'm not his am I?"
"So you say but he's the one who took you in as his.. gave you his name.. kept you safe... don't be hard on him... he's just as broken as you are"
"You would defend him"
"I'm not defending him Alex....but to be given responsibility of a baby who isn't yours is major responsibility An he loves you and you live him.. he's the one who has feed and clothed you! Scared off any boy came round.. wiped your tears when you fell off a bike."
"Don't guilt trip me Dan.."
"I'm not.. "
"He lied to me... they both did"
"Maybe So But has your back. "

Sniffing as she brushed her hair away, my heart felt like it was about beat out my chest!

"I need to be alone dan I'm sorry" she stood up and started to walk away
"I just told you how I felt?"
"I... I need to be alone!"

Following her back to the cabin just a couple steps ahead and we went far from it. The porch light was softly the way back

"Alex.. tell me you don't feel the same?"
"I've found out Kevin isn't my dad and you want me to tell you I love you.. seeing with her made me jealous... why do you want me to tell you that huh what will it change?"
"Everything" I knew I had to make it clear to her just how I feel. Holding her cheek before touching her lips, the warmth from her tears dropped on my chin. The softness from her was mind blowing, like my world is shattering from risking this.

The feeling of her pulling away, her eyes closed tight as she stood there with tear stained cheeks. Placing a kiss on her forehead noticing her opened her eyes

"I'm messed up!"
"That's fine.. just let me in" no such glimmer of a smile just sadness in her eyes
"Let's get out of the cold!" Pulling her hand tight in mine before wiping her tears again
"No more tears okay? We need to get this sorted"
"Not ready too."
"Well it's Christmas Day tomorrow so make the most of it and do what you told me you liked to do.." nodding with agreement maybe just for easy life it maybe because she had no fight left!

Opening the door to everyone in the lounge. Kevin's face was worried like a father would be!

"Okay?" Quietly asking
"It will be boss.. we going to bed..."
"What about dinner?" Abi demanded
"Not tonight... night" placing both hands on Alex shoulders directing her to the stairs.
"Alex..... I love you" Kevin was truely lost yet he meant every word!

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