Four : On a shout

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Blinds half pulled shut hid the fact that just this once I was having a break, head tight, mouth dry, eye stinging from all the reading of paperwork and just pure exhaustion. Never mind the pure exhaustion from the bickering with Abi the night before about Robo!

Knock knock
"Yes come in" rubbing eyes to hide the tiredness
"Kevin can I have a word?"
"Sure John come in take a seat what's wrong?"
"Look this fire investigation is tricky I'm finding it hard to figure out just how it begun! Never mind how it spreads so quickly! I am completely out of my depth!"
"Okay what do we know?"
"Petrol related mainly, there is a trail.." within that moment the bells went down.

"That's us come on" pulling my jacket from back of my chair John followed

"Dan what is it?" Passing me the printed sheet
"Boys.. road accident. A car victim trapped! Let's roll"

The adrenaline was rolling and everyone were focused. Ready to tackle what we are about to see. Spotting Robos expression was tense.

"Robo what's wrong?"
"Boss I have a bad feeling"
"Don't say that" Bob snapped at a pitted feeling swept through the truck once one feels it so does everyone.

Police already lined and blocked the road, people standing around there cars. The car had clearly rolled a few times leaving alot of rubble behind. The cold wind took breath away realising the car.. a lorry wedged in the barrier.

"Kevin she's breathing! in out talking to me but it's a mess." Will the police officer charged at me

"BOB" yelling
"It's Abigail's car."
"What?" bob ran over to the car, feet stuck to the floor, My baby girl is in there..

"Tom get here... kevs daughter! Do your thing." Stepping away from the reckage

"Abigail.. I'm Tom.. I'm going to squeeze around you okay...... okay Abigail I'm going to have to cover you up.. don't try and move okay... are you in pain? Squeeze my hand once for yes and twice for no.... okay well done.. abi I'm going to get you cut out okay... Dan, moose get the clippers we need to cut her out!" Waving at them to start

"Abi squeeze my hand once if pain is in your arm... twice in you chest.... okay your chest.. good girl well done.. Abigail your going to hear a very loud sound okay but keep still as you can... we need to cut you out but I'll cover you up with my jacket okay.. okay boys go.."

**bob ambulance is here** staring up to see them running towards the scene, Kevin had his arms folded on his chest pacing up and down. Robo was bent down to his knees, head in his hands!

"Good job boys.., Abigail can you hear me.. squeeze my hand...... good girl the paramedics are here now they will look after you okay.... hiya.. Abigail about 25 years of age. Clearly taken most impact, thrown out of some of the car. Hasn't been moved. Chest is hurting, she's not talking but squeezing my hand.. "

"Great thank you..." a young paramedic said as she bent down

"Josh.. Abigail is Kevin's daughter just so you know.. Abigail josh will be looking after you... boys let's go and finish off!"

Walking away from Abigail was one the worst feelings with few other people needing help the vehicles had to be made safe first.. wiping my forehead with my sleeve Kevin's stare was piecing before Robo looked angry.

"Kev, she's communicating, she's got pain in her chest but she's awake! Rob she's okay!"
"Cheers..What happened.."
"This is your fault Kevin! You summoned her to stay away from me.. I love her and this is your fault!"
"This is not my fault you have pick of any girl why my daughter.."
"Rob walk away yeah. Boss stop not now not here.." Bob jumped in
Rob walking back to dan but waited at the ambulance.

"Rob the pump now" Kevin yelled
"No I am going with Abi"
"Rob now" yelling from a deep tone as they loaded her in the ambulance
"No.. yeah can I come" asking the paramedics
"Yeah... yeah I am."
"Bob it's clear!"
"Cheers dan.... kev come on let's get you back"
"We can call her" Bob shovelled everyone back on the pump, the ride back to the station was oddly quiet. Staring to the floor or looking out the window

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