fifteen: back to work

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"Where you going?" Alex rolled over all tucked up in the duvet, flawless skin yet her hair is like a birds nest!

"What no stay.. let's go somewhere!"
"Look I cant.... you know you can stay here for aslong as you need?" Pulling on my black work socks
"I'm going to start looking about."
"I mean it you don't need to rush.... thought about tAlking to your dad?"
"Kevin? No!"
"He's your dad! He will ask me about you!"
"Dont get narky with me'
"Im not! But I'm not ready to forgive him.. can't get my head around it!"
"Okay.. look stay for as long as you need it's fine.. here.. let yourself in and out yeah." Removing a key and placing it on the bedside cabinet.

"Thank you.."
"Have great day." Plonking a kiss on her sweet soft lips was a tragedy I knew I wouldn't want to leave her there.

Rocking up to the station at same time as Robo who actually looked rough.

"Morning you don't look good mate"
"I don't feel it. Think caught a cold.. how Alex?"
"She's okay.. not in greatest of places!"
"Bet Kevin's ain't either... Abi is still going on about Alex not being about Christmas Day!"
"She was there but just didn't want to play the happy family... bob!"
"Boys good break?"
"Long story.." rob had that boring tone
"Oh really why?" Bob concern was feel and caring
"Oh just Alex annoyed with Kevin."
"WhAt?? Boys I better go see boss"
"That we weird!"


"Morning boss"
"Bob... good Christmas?"
"Pleased to be back at work for a break?"
"Sure... that manic?"
"A full house is undeterstatement! You?"
"Not bad... come say hello?" Boss lifted up this pretty golden retriever that was all fluffy and sleepy!

"I know the girls got him for me!"
"Boss he's great." Ruffling bubbys head as he fell back to sleep in Bobs arms
"He's magic you know..."
"I umm saw the boys they said Alex is pissed with you!"
"Bob... she knows. " shaking his head in disappointment
"What you mean? What you aren't?"
"Yep out came out in an argument!"
"How... about whAt that could make you tell her?"
"I was talking to lisa and she caught me but she got defensive and it just escalated and I said it... "
"WHAT?.... lisa? Since when have you been touch?"
"A few months.. just recently it's been more"
"That's not wise move boss.. Alex should be more than lisa!"
"She much more.. Alex is so angry with me for lying"
"Well I guess it is a form of lying but why are you not fighting for that girl! You took her on from a baby.. don't you dare turn your back on her now.."
"Bob I don't need you to tell me "
"Well clearly you do.. here " passing the puppy back bob angrily left the office

"Bob?" Dan met in the hallway
"He makes me angry"
"You knew?"
"Of Course I knew we went to school together, cadets together. We have done everything together.. Course I knew... shit I told him this would happen.."

The bells went down and it was a massive explosion across town...
Everyone went into auto pilot knowing full well what is expected of them! Knowing exactly what they needed to do to solve this situation.
The heat was already intense never mind actually standing in the burning building. The flames are like dancing angels all around, laughing, smiling, playing games surrounding trapped people like it's a game. This is no game, this is real life, this is us doing a job that no one understands unless you live with someone in the emergency services..

"Luke touch that handle... hot?"
"Baking lutenient!"
"Okay..?its going to back draft.. don't open it look there the smoke pushing out and retracting back in under you see?"
"Yeah I see but people are trapped?"
"I know but we can't save everyone luke... let's get out of here.... Kevin we coming out the rooms are back drafting it's not safe the compression is intense!"
"EVERYONE FALL BACK IMMEDIATELY" Kevin bellowed over the radios

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