Eleven : Day before christmas eve

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"Hello, yes speaking........ yes that's my dad... what okay okay I'm coming now!........ thank you.."
Slamming down the mobile against the table before dashing out to the hospital with limited information.

The queue for the reception was so long at least 6 people deep. Now and again a few emergency beds got rushed through passed me into the emergency's room. Studying the full waiting room with people who have cuts or broken lumps or children who were poorly with some things. The tv fixed to the wall but it was on silent with the sub titles up.

"NEXT... excuse me NEXT" the receptionist yelled again slamming my attention back to her, wide eyed staring at me!

"Oh yes my father has been brought in while on duty I got called from the nurse."

"Name?" She stopped eye contact and tapped away quickly

"Kevin Woking."

"Hmmm he's in A&E.... take this and go to that door and they will allow you in." Slamming a small piece of card on the edge for me then called for the next person. Stepping by the people already waiting to been seen before pressing the green button.

"Yes." An older lady greeted me with a tired smile.
"Reception gave me this..I was called my father."
"Ahhh Kevin's Daughter.. Alex right?" Her smile appeared to brighten
"Yes yes.. is he okay."
"Come with me dear.. he's fine few cuts and a burn, he's off for an xray shortly.. you know he doesn't loose his sense of humour you know!"
"My dad?" Since when does he have a sense of humour was what I really wanted to ask her

"Here he goes.. hold on.. Kevin" she stopped the wheel chair being rolled away

"Alex don't worry"
"Dad what happened are you okay?"
"Fine.. Robo has called Abi"
"Okay.. what happened?"
"Sorry we need to get you to X-ray" the doctor interrupted us. It was that women from the coffee shop

"You must be Alex.. I've heard a lot about you" she held her hand out to shake it
"Yes. Is he okay?"
"He's fine.. I am Kelly Brooke" gingerly shaking her hand I knew she didn't like me it was front!

"The others are down here!" She walked away so it was clear I should follow her for a short walk to another open room that had chAir which all the other boys were sitting on

"Here you I will get you when he is back!" She swiftly left
"Alex.. I've called Abi" Robo looked worried
"Okay thanks.. bob what happened. "
Getting everyone's input and trying to piece it together.

"Hang on where's dan?"
"He's in one the cubical!" Robo pointed
"Because he got burnt badly too on his neck"
"What.. "
"Come let's go see him" bob took my arm
"Excuse me." Kelly Brooke called at us
"Can we see him?" Bob held the edge of the curtain
"A nurse is in there so no"
"Not now." Bob said as he gave her a look just as dan said Alex's name

"Are you okay? Dads gone for a X-ray"
"Yeah not deep burns I'll be fine.. waiting to be released so I can go back to the site!"
"I don't think so!! Look at your hand!"
"I'm fine.. Kevin!?"
"He's fine.. off for a X-ray but that doctor hasn't even told me anything!" Staring at the doctor who was watching us from the nurses desk
"It's good to see you" stroking my hand
"And you.. what happened." Moving away
"It was bad Alex!!" Shaking his head
"Okay.. your staying at ours tonight?" Was that a question or a demand
"Dan I need to keep your obs!" Kelly Brooke appeared
"I'll let you go.. "
"Alex.... I'll ring you later" nodding and swiftly leaving with her giving me dirty look as she judges him

"Is my dad back yet?" I approach the same nurse as earlier
"Will be shortly dear! "
"Thank you",turning back to the others. Robo was talking on his mobile and bob just tapped the chair next to him.

"He's going to be fine.. he's a fighter. He never lets anything beat him!"

"How did it happen? Why was he even in the building?"

"Someone we know Daughter was in there Boss charged in... dan went in after him hence why they both got hurt the worst!"

"Why did he do that.."

"Because he's a firefighter Alex you know what they say!!"

"Yeah I know as people run out you lot run in... bob he's not in a good place right now!"

"None of us are Alex.. demons haunt every single one of us... he's not alone.. but instead of excepting help like me, like dan... Luke... billy... he stands alone."

"I didn't realise dad was having the dreams.. he... he told me the other night.."

"They aren't dreams, more like night terrors.. he's not alone I have them there are just somethings that can't be forgotten believe me..."

"It's not right though!"

"No but it is what it is and when we have shifts like this right before Christmas it makes you treasure your family and we're you are now..."

"Sure... here comes dad."
"He will be fine and anyway your going up to the cabin aren't you?"
"Yeah going to be good.... dad okay?"
"Stop worrying.." wheeling him back into the cubical before waiting to be told the results

"So what they say?" Quizzing him
"It's broken so cast for 6 weeks!"
"Okay okay could be worse."
"Worse yeah but not for the families who children we didn't save"
"Stop Dad Yeah your alive you did the best you can!"
"Brian okay it's broken so I'm sending you now to plaster room and your good to go. Keep the fluids up and take paracetamol I'm signing you off work" Kelly Brooke appeared
"What No I can work"
"Not with that arm and not with those burns.. you fire fighters are all so stubborn just like my other half you are" clearly trying to make a hint
"Daniel has always been stubborn.. from a boy I will have you know!"
"Hmmmm.. but hey I love him"
Love him, love him are you kidding you've known him how long!

"Right dad ready.."
"Yes" Kelly handed the card to my dad and as we got out the cubical Kelly requested

"Alex.. dan won't be calling you tonight okay." And she left. What the hell does she think she is doing.


"Right dad Tea?"
"Please.. your phone!" Snatching it knowing he just saw who was ringing me but never said a word

"Hello...... he's fine. You?....broken arm, cuts bruisers you know......... Yeah tomorrow we go.... yeah not looking forward to the driving....... huh why? It's like a 5 bed place.... umm sure but Kelly?........ oh okay okay sure.... prob get here 9ish? Yeah okAy.... later on yeah? Okay bye bye"

"Who's that?"
"Dan... he's coming with us and helping me with the driving." Knowing dad would give me that look
"Right....WhAt about Kelly?"
"Not sure just said can he come with us.. helps me with the driving.. does it matter!" Stirring the mugs one last time.

"Where you going?"
"Oh I have a date "
"But you had one last night too.."
"I've actually had three dad thanks for noticing" laughing at his confusion
"Three wow!"
"Yeah... I can't keep being single"
"Alex just take your time okay?"
"I am... I will... but josh he's great...a banker so that will please you. 32 years old. Own house, posh car, lavish holiday. Fine clothing "
"Right... aslong as you like him?"
"Course yeah I do!"
"Good then.."

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