Twenty One: Life

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"Dan.. Alex??" Asking a question
"Boss she's okay.. resting at mine.. come by tomorrow after shift..."
"Has she said anything?"
"Not much.."
"Right..." looking confused
"Look she will be fine I promise.. she just needs some time away.."
"Well your not on shift now for a while.. go to the lodge."
"good idea.. she will be okay"
"I miss my daughter"
"Whether she knows it or not she misses you too!"
"She's stubborn"
"Yeah but she's hurting!"
"I know... there's nothing I can do to ease it.. she's talking to you"
"Hmm.. but she is though.."
"Yeah but even I'm getting one word answers"
"Has she said anything else?"
"No not at all.. think she's thinking of contacting her half sister to get some more answers!"
"Yeah she don't feel she has had them..I'm hoping she will rethink it over time.."
"Hmmm.. right let's go get started...the pumps need cleaning and general tidying"

Bells went down again

"Factory fire.. persons reported."
"Everyone go.." and fire kits being pulled on to leave, the pump rolling from side to side like it does! The roar from the engine was thoaty like it meant business and ready to move smoothly and as quick as possible! The blue lights bounces of every wall we went by, shining into properties!

"Okay boys listen to me.. crew are with dan.. make your way round and into the back of the building... bob and rest of you through the front.. when I call out your all to leave immediately you hear me??..... do you hear me?" He husky voice ordered

"Yes boss" every voice from my team echoed before they were swift into position!


With a knock on the door, being greeted by a very happy postman

"Good morning... I have a parcel for you I am guessing.." rereading the name on the small rectangle box all taped up with brown tape

"Oh thank you"

"Take care" he whistled while he got back in the van

The box addressed to Alex was correct, it revealed nothing, the address label was typed and printed from a computer. The brown box is hugged with brown tape, slicing open the top to see a wedge of different colours what looked like envelopes with a small piece of string holding it all together with a small pink piece of paper that was folded in half.

Dear Alex,
I thought you would require these more than we will/do! I hope you get your answers you need from all these letters..
Life is short and I feel you need these not me or our dad. I know he told you I had them and I know he passed my number on to you but I don't want you to feel pressure! I can only try and imagine what your going through and I just want to say I am sorry you have been lied too, fooled and hurt by people who you love and who you trust! I am so sorry.. I know it probably means nothing to you as you don't know me but I truely am sorry.
I can't really say much to you to make it better because no one can make this any better or easier!!
If you ever want a chat you have my number!

Take care
Kelly x


Letter after letter was read and they laid side by side, one on top of the other, stacked up together... pink,cream, blue, white envelopes one after the other.. photos, poems, drawings and paintings... both writing matched! Amazed how similar they were.

Alex did amazing today in her ballet class

Alex did amazing in her Christmas concert

Alex was a wonderful Easter bunny this Easter

I am amazed at how well Alex can do her writing

Studying the photos, remember Mum putting me in that pale baby pink dungaree set with a white lace blouse and pumps, hair in pig tails.
My mum looked sad in most photos but then again she barely was in any.. one after the other placed to the left on the coffee table before she sent Tom a photo of me and Kevin, blowing out candles on a cake, both with infectious smiles, his arms holding on tight while blowing out candle. The love in Kevin's expression said many words & no wonder Tom felt he had no right to come into my life.

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