Seventeen: Its Abi's day but Alex has her own stuff to deal with

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Nervously tapping against the table cloth what was more plastic than anything else. Clipped to the table by using metal slides. Bright flowers filled the small vases placed to the side of the sauces etc. The tiny lady behind the counter gingerly approached

"Another drink dear? You've been here a while now?" The wrinkles softened her face, her thin grey hair tucked back neatly in a low bun. Her reading glasses hung over the neck of her jumper, navy apron that hugged her waist which had the odd mark from stained food?or ink stain from a pen. Her pretty pearls sat neatly against the Lacey college that over hang her jumper.

"Please... " noticing the time which was now 12:15 and I have been here since 10:50am
"How about my special hot chocolate what you say? It will warm the cockles of your heart I can promise that dear! The warmth of her smile was beautiful and he eyes twinkled.
"Sure sounds perfect" agreeing to her offer she swiftly left me in peace again and spoke to someone else.

: Abi Mobile:
Sis, where are you thought you said you would be here by now? abi xx

Hey, I'm stuck in traffic see you soon! Xx

Stuck in traffic was certainly not where I was.. watching the clock tick tick around made it feel even longer, hands even more sweaty

"Here you go sweetie" places in front of me was a tall clear glass with glorious rich hot chocolate covered in fresh cream and chocolate balls randomly placed and glitter flaked around

"Wow thank you"
"Your very welcome. You know my granddaughter is about your age I reckon and from about 4 years old and still now might I add that when things are going good or just having a plain old rubbish time she pops by and this makes her feel better.. and I hope it makes you feel better too dear." Smiling away she was off to serve someone else

The warm chocolate against the cold cream and the odd crunch was purely beautiful. She's right it did wArm you up and it didn't make happiness flutter around.

Noticing the time again it was now 1pm and still nothing.

"Finish dear... may i." She sat in the opposite chair
"Sure" did I even have a choice
"Tell me dear.. meeting someone? "
"Yeah.. they haven't turned up yet"
"Hmmm... important,"
"Guess so.. never spoken before but yeah important to give me answers"
"Right.. well dear he isn't here yet now is he and we'll if he can't turn up and leave you waiting this long is he worth your time?"
"Must be a He!"
"My father... thought he would be here by now"
"Dear advise sometimes it is good to leave the pasted in the past and maybe what ever your seeking for is right in front of you. Your beautiful lady and no lady like you should be waiting around as much as your desperate for those answers! Look it's on the house.. I better go customers WAITING! Come back you hear. Take care sweetie" she patted my hand and left!

Gathering up my bag and pulling on my jacket the cafe was even fuller than when I got in there. With sadness and anger I knew she Right! Let down yet again by someone who shouldn't let me down!

"Alex.." a husky voice spoke
"Dad? What you doing here"
"Good to hear those words.." stood kevin with my aunty by his side
"Hello darling" smiling at me
"How you know I was here?"
"Abi is flipping out and I just had a feeling you might be here.."
"Right.." pulling on the jacket and zipping it up
"Look.. I'm sorry Soph... sorry for everything "
Tears forced down her cheeks and Kevin's lips trembled before he hugged her so tightly she began to break down. The soft touch of Jessica's hands stroking for reassurance, Kevin's warmth and tight arms hugged tightly.

"Sit Down come on.." Kevin's husky voice was soft and caring

"Excuse me can we have 3 teas" Jessica requested
"Sure" the same lady hurried off returning shortly after placing 2 teas and 1 hot chocolate

"I ordered 3 teas"
"I know but this young lady knows why I am giving her another chocolate.. " she winked before attending to someone else


Nervous was a understatement! Why would she want to see me. Speak to me have anything to do with me! Guess that is many questions and I am sure she has many questions to be answered!
It's been over 30 years, why now. Am I ready to face a few questions I might not like.. the cold breeze caught the back of my throat. Pulling my coat collar up to shield me from the spring breeze!

An empty park bench was in the perfect view on the cafe, view straight into the cafe, the big panes of glass were hugged with curtains and writing stuck to the glass. This cafe was always busy I remember coming here as a kid with my mother. Then when as a teenager and not so much now.

Was that her, maybe that lady is her. I haven't got a clue.. but then sat in the far corner a beautiful lady perched on the chair. Distracted by every person who came in. She's stunning, her hair day perfectly on the collar of her brown leather jacket. She clearly has her mothers hair colour, actually she could be her mother's twin.. the nerves are stopping me going in there. Maybe I am a waste of space like her mother told me, but not one day goes by that I don't think of her Mum... she was my everything but I had no choice I had to leave. We were from different sides of backgrounds and her parents never agreed with me.. I understand why my parents weren't the wealthiest and my father wasn't exactly one of the good blokes back then. He meant well but still chose a different path.

Time has ticked by and before knowing it, being sat here watching and thinking! Clocking her stand up to then be greeted with a man and women I recognise.. watching them embrace I knew who he was who she was.. she's good in life and you know what she doesn't know me now and she definitely doesn't need me either. I don't deserve the role of dad but you know what she clearly has a man who stands up for her and looks after her. And Jessica in tow too who is a wonderful lady.

"Excuse.." approaching the older lady who just came out to amend the sandwich board
"Yes.",her smile was infectious
"Sorry.. I was wondering if you could pass this letter to the young lady in the leather jacket just sitting there?" pointing
"Why can't you give her it? She's been waiting"
"I know.. I know.. please can you?" Holding it out
"No problem. But are you sure? " trying to uncrease the crinkles
"Please.. she doesn't need me but she needs to have her questions answered.... thank you"
"Sir you could give her it!" Then they appeared to about to leave
"No.. best you do. Thank you." Winking at her with a nod swiftly turning on his heels & walking away up towards town the squeak of the cafe door seemed louder. Crossing over and propping up again the bank standing in the queue I studied them leaving.

There's my daughter! There is the baby I left not of my accord. A beautiful women that I know is mine but she is better off without me! She might not realise it now but it's true she is!

"Darling Here you are.. here hold Becky for me.. so how did it go?"
"Hello.. come here.... umm I didn't go in.."
"What why not?" Searching through her bag
"Just couldn't.. she's stunning"
"The letter?"
"She has it."
"How if you didn't go in?... here it is." Holding Becky's dummy in the air
"I got the lady in cafe to give it to her"
"God sake. She's your daughter"
"Yeah.. she doesn't need me Cathy.. seriously she doesn't.. look"

Nodding to the three of them walking away from and she had the white envelope in her hand & seemed confused

"That's Alex?"
"Yep and that's Kevin & that's Jessica"
"Jessica blimey I last saw her at school.. not changed"
"Not at all no your right! "
"Don't regret talking to her?"
"No.. Kevin is her dad.. I don't deserve that title"
"You do Tom.... your an amazing father... 3 children & 4 grand kids who very much adore you" reassuring touch
"You have to say that but appreciate it"
"No regrets?"
"No regrets... right shall we" hunting to go in but just taking one more glance to them and noticed Kevin look back briefly and nodded before they were gone from view and just that nod I knew I had done the right thing and he agreed too!

And so life goes on and I shut that page to me and Sophia.

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