Seven: The past is the past

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Dark and the cold made the chills run over Alex from head to toe, each street light that hugged the bridge slowly all turned on one by one. Which seemed to light up everyone around and all a sudden And she didn't feel so alone. Awkwardly turning away but keeping an eye on this person who's pulled up beside her.

"alex.. hey" dan lifted off his motor bike helmet

"Dan.. my god I thought you were gonna stalk me or kill me"

"A little dramatic aren't you?"

"Shhh no... it's cold and dark you know!"

"Yeah I know... ready then?"

Holding a helmet to me

"I want to show you something come on!" Pushing it towards me again he grinned

"Umm okay" pulling on the helmet the warmth from his body was a great feeling. Pulling my hands around his waste.

"Can you hear me yeah.. hold on here." The sound of his voice come over the mic in the helmet

"Okay not too fast"

"Promise.. okay let's go!"

After a while of seeing our town at night but with the low glow from the shops, restaurants and the street lights felt somewhere different somewhere new to me.

"Fancy a coffee?" Asking me
"Yes.." very happy and excitedly without realising
"Okay I know this place." What an idiot I sounded, pulling off down a smaller road we stopped in a car park,laughter and screAms . with flashing lights filled the atmosphere

"The fair is here"
"You big kid!"
"The cafe on the lake is amazing." Following hiS strides into the park which had rides after rides, a mass of heads walking about, the smell of candy floss, candy apples. Pretty lights hugged the rides and the stools. And there was the cafe perched on the lake, soft lights lined the wood cabin style cafe outside heaters sat amongst the comfy chairs and tables, the glass windows were steamed up from being chilly outside but warm inside..

"Hiya.. what can I get you.." the young blonde offered as she wiped her hands on her blue low apron which was tided perfectly around her waist.

"X2 coffees please. " Dan ordered while thumberling in his jacket pocket for his wallet
"Okay... Dan...oh my it is you." She chirpy told him but his expression said it all that he didn't know her at all

"Yeah that's me.."
"Samantha jones.. we first dated at school"
"Oh sure yes how are you?"
"Great.. we said the other month we would catch up?" Fluttering her eye lashes before noticing Alex by his side
"Oh sorry I didn't realise! I'll bring your drinks over!" She stuttered as her cheeks flushed red!

"Shit I dont recognise her"
"You've broken her heart now" joking
"Don't shit!"
"Joking aside though you should have called her"
"I don't remember her..."
"Thanks." I smiled at her yet dan couldn't have been more uncomfortable

The soft breeze mixed in with the sound of joyfulness was perfect.

"So how your sister doing?"
"Okay think dad gone to hospital!"
"He said he was!"
"Umm I didn't get chance to thank you!"
"No need in just pleased she okay!"
"Luckily .. thankfully it wasn't too bad that it is forgetable"
"For some I guess... so tell me how long you been in the service?"
"Oh 8 or so years.."
"Long time then?"
"Yeah you forget the time you know.."
"I know that feeling! Wasting time with someone who doesn't deserve you!"
"Talking from experience? didn't end well I take it.?" sipping from the froffy coffee

A moments pause:

"could say that yeah and as you can imagine my dad doesn't approve!"
"is he meant too then? Dads arent really meant to agree lets face it!"
"true but he wasn't always around when we were kids you know so it abit hard to take this from him now!"
"well was he not around because he didn't want too or because he were working?"
"working. My mother left us when I was young, my sister doesn't really remember her! I took and picked her up from school. Dad didn't"
"he worked that much?"
"yep.. I would put my sister to bed while dad sat in the office, cigar in hand and a glass of whisky in the other.. Don't get me wrong he told us he loved us but he wasn't dealing with my mother elaving!"
"that must have been hard on you all!"
"could say that yes!.."
"so what else have you wasted your life on or who should I say?" noticing Brian was calling me
"take it. " Dan offered
"I don't want too."
"who is it then and why arent you answering Brians call?"
"hes gone now anyway!" ignoring that fact he called again for about the 10th time today
"not really....." nodding to my phone ringing again
"god sake!" mumbling

dan swiftly took the call....... "hello Alex's phone... Daniel.. A frend.. Can I ask why your harassing her?................. Clearly you are in a space of two seconds.... Really okay well you don't actually know me and even if we were seeing each other I don't see what it has to do with you and nor does it matter what my career is......... okay ill appaled you for being a CEO well done... Sorry Brian but again i have no need to tell you what i do but if you ever need to be saved from a reckage or a fire then call 999 anjd no doubt i will save you so in the mean time stay safe and stop bothering Alex and allow us to enjoy our evening. "
jaw dropping open form dans tone to Brian as he pushed my phone back to me

"wow" is all I could say heart pounding
"that's pissed him off.. Haha... "
"he isnt going to be happy !"
"so what!"
"easy for you to say.!""
"look no one can make you feel crappy okay and no one deserves to put you down" looking down to towards half empty mugs!

"well I guess that is easier to say when your not in the situation."
"of course it is but still you know when something isn't right an the only way to change it is to admit it"
"I know but still!" tugging at my sleeve, his gaze followed

"never let anyone belittle you.. And if that is how he speaks to you im surprised he still has you in his life but you don't deserve that!"
"im not"
"huh? Not what with him?"
"no im not with him. Single I am now!"
"don't say it like that.. Your free and single not im single and it is crap because it might not feel it now but it is good to be single.. You can fix yourself."
"I havent been single in years! A tad scary is an understatement!"
"maybe so but embrace it.. I know I did and you know what ive been single for 5 years now and it feel great!"
"realy but your playing the field arent you!"
"so what don't matter. Not like those women want more!"
"you say that but have you given them the option?!"
"no because they know how it is! It will change I am sure!"
"you clearly got a broken heart then!"
"you could say that! She was sick..and she passed away in my arms! Why shouldn't I look after me?!"
"oh god... no im sorry!" Gasping bringing my hands up to my mouth!

"don't be.. She was amazing. Unfortunately these things happen.. Its hard to let someone else close!"
"I can imagine... umm.. Brian he... just wasn't for just one women you know"
"Cheated? How many times has that happened?" softly spoken
"a few times..he says sorry most the time after.."
"why have you put up with this?"
"my dad kicked off that night I went to a Hotel because he now knows I'm deforcing him!"
"your married to him?" Shocking tone shuddered through me

"yeah because I thought he would change.."
"no Alex.. Good on you for leaving him!"
"I am sure I wasn't the perfect house wife"
"no.. That's no excuse! He should not do that! Does your dad know why you left him?"
"god no! Dad would flip out!"
"Maybe so and rightly so. I would smash him if I could! Your far too good for him.. Your amazing..."
"thanks but you don't know me!"
"well lets change that.. When you need to get your stuff im coming with you!"
"thank you.."
"tell your dad."
"I will at some point! so tell me about your partner!"
"look!" pulling out his wallet was a stunning photo of this brunet lady
"wow shes stunning!"
"yup and inside too! But you know the past is the past and best to leave it in the past.. memories are great but something and some people can stay in the past!"

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