Nine: Dad & daughter

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Sweat dripping, body trembling and jumping out of sleep. Sheets soaked through, baking hot, flinging the windows open my kevins body shudder. His throat couldn't have been any dryer, gasping for a drink he made his way down stairs to see an soft glow from the lounge! Knowing full well He didn't leave a light on.

"God dad" noticing she pulled her sleeves down
"Sorry couldn't sleep.. drink?"
"Nah have one" lifting a mug
Galling two glasses of water down Alex noticed the sweat patches on his t shirt
"Bad sleep?" Staring down at my t-shirt
"Yeah how did you guess?"
"Are you going back to bed?"
"I will yeah.. you okay?"
"Yeah but dad umm I do need to speak to you?"
"Okay now or tomorrow?"
"Umm whenever really!"
"Now?" Slowly sitting next to her he folded his arms
"Umm Brian.. I haven't told you the whole truth"
"Look you don't need too"
"I do I lied to you I know!"
"I need to collect my things from the house.. can you come with me?"
"As soon as."
"Saturday then.. I'll sort a van out."
"Dad.. umm are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine just bad nightmare.."
"Want to talk about it?"
"No... it's just things I can't forget!"
"Yeah faces. The actual event. Ages. Everything. I guess after so many years in the job you know imprints on your mind!"
"I'm sorry dad."
"No need. Right come on let's get back to our beds!"
"I will soon.."
"Who's texting you at this time of night?"
"God knows!" Placing my book over it

Stepping to the hallway, Alex was sitting all angelic, legs crossed in front of her, over sized jumper which hugged her, hair tied up in a messy bun with a pencil holding it in place.
Book nearly placed on her hands as she flicked the next page. The soft candle light made the lounge feel warm and snug.

"Yeah?" Wiping a loose hair from her face
"You know I am proud of you don't you?"
"I know.." tilting her head to the side looking at me
"Good.. I... I know I don't tell you girls often.. I'm sorry....."
"Dad it's fine honest"
"Okay.... are you happy? You know?"
"Now? I am getting there not like the whole single life but can't do much about that!"
"I know.. you'll find someone!... Christmas is soon fancy going up to the cabin? Abi will come!"
"God I haven't been up there for years... you know she will want Robo to come?" Raising her eyebrows with that sarcastic expression
"I know... I can't stop it!! When do you think you were last there?" Propping up on the tv unit
"God when I was 6! "
"No cant be."
"Dad it must be.. we made snowmen and buddy slammed into the ate the snow.."
"Ahhhh bubby he was amazing friend"
"Well nothing stopping you getting a dog dad"
"Lots of reasons why I shouldn't"
"Not really. It's pretty simple really! We had to times up there didn't we?"
"We did.. considering"
"I know dad..... we should go up there"
"Yeah we should. I'll call Sophia tomorrow!"
"Okay.... night dad"
"Night Alex!" Warmth filled my lungs and my heart was excited even though I would have to put up with Robo..


"Hey Alex, will have to put a rain check on our catch up tomorrow night! dan"
"Hey oh okay No worries"
"Sorry.. another time?"
"Sure" feeling the blue feeling of being let down when really you were looking forward to seeing someone because the last time it was fun and exciting and just plain easy but boom it isn't happening now.

The candles slowly flickered and made the pages of my book feel warm and even though the sad feeling arouse swiftly nothing was going to stop me reading this book. No bloke anyway who might I add I barely know and who barely knows me either. Yes he showed me a great night on the bike and yes he helping me get my stuff from Brian but he don't know me..

Sod him, grabbing the IPad loading up, before I knew it I was set up with a full profile all about me, fingers couldn't tap quick enough. Did I seriously just write that about myself, is that me really?

: fun, loving, GSOH, loves her family, enjoys romantic walks or any walks. Driving around in my car is the best feeling, music feels my soul even if I can't sing that great! To feel the pages of a book between my fingers, books fill the dreams,books inspire, advise they achieve what we imagine life can be!
I have a big family, my dad is amazing and I cherish him in so many ways that no one and not him will ever understand!
Was married to someone who wasn't right for me and o have learnt the hard way, but that isn't going to define me, I am getting to know who I am, I am finding myself and I would like to meet someone who can make me laugh, want to smile every day and just someone who is honest with me. :

My god.. done and saved a corny photo of me as I am now no airs or graces, hair messy, no make up to hide my flaws. Is this me really my god! But we will have to wait and see.

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