Thirteen : Dad

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"Hey dad... Abi.." yelling from the front door.
Few lights on that lit the cabin up softly.
"It's lovely" dan stood beside me
"Love it here... ABI" yelling again
"Coming.... awwwww you got him" she slowly came over to dan, arms open wide
"Where's Dad?"
"In his room.. he is so cute"
"I know.. I'll help get our bags"
"No im good go see your dad"
"Dad.... Dad.... hello" peeking in at Dad he was talking on his mobile.

"I know..... yeah we all up here.. Alex will be here soon too.... yeah yeah... I can't remember the last Christmas I had like this... Sure sure.... your welcome to join us........ so come we have room you shouldn't be alone.......... Alex no she won't mind you coming why would she? No... no honest....... I just want her to find someone you know....... I'm not setting her up with Daniel....... well he's a good bloke and she could do far far worse than dan......... yeah but no it wouldn't make any difference and anyway I'll be retiring soon.... yeah been in it since I was 18 and I think it's time soon......... so what you say join us?.... they won't mind!! Okay bye bye"


"you made me jump" gripping his chest
"Oh sorry... was just letting you know we are here"
"Okay safe journey?"
"Yeah how you been here?"
"Oh not long...cabin don't look too shabby?"
"No... looks great... dad..."
"Whos joining us?"
"You were listening? That rude"
"No i wasnt."
"You were otherwise you wouldn't ask!" An aggressive tone showed it's ugly face again
"Dad I wasn't I could hear you talking so I waited till your finished"
"So you did listen"
"No I didn't.. god sake... "
"Why ask then? "
"Because you just said to someone join us and no I wouldn't mind.. who wouldn't I mind joining us?"

Turning away showing his back while unpacking Alex lost her temper
"Fine don't tell us and yeah who ever it is I do mind them joining us and you know what I brought you a puppy for a present and it's downstairs but I wish i didn't you ungrateful git"
"Don't take that tone with me Alex"
"I will Because your clearly hiding something"
"Go away Alex and I don't want a dog why would I?"
"Your never happy unless your moaning are you!"
"Me ungrateful says you who doesn't realise when you have someone good in your life! And yet your holding back."
"Someone good? dan? Dad no offence but I'm good on my own I want to be on my own! Just because you have been single since Mum left"
"I haven't been single all that time"
"Yes you have"
"No I haven't.. I don't need to tell you who I have been seeing it's none of your business"
"Why are you being nasty"
"Why are you being sensitive?"
"You know what dad the dog is downstairs waiting for you so when you decide to be an adult go see it after all we brought for you but for now I'm going for a walk.."
"Who said I wanted a dog?"
"Dad when you want to be an adult talk to me"
"You need to grew up Alex.. stop blaming everyone else for your messed up life!"
"You know nothing dad.. "
"More than you think I know Alex"
"What's that meant to mean huh?.... dad?"
"Don't meddle in peoples lives when you can't sort your own out"
"What how am I meddling? ... dad come on how am I?"
"Look if I want someone to Join me for holiday I will!"
"I haven't said you can't. I only asked who and why would I be upset?"
"Well she isn't joining us so nothing to talk about?"
"Dad who was it then?"
"No one it don't matter!"
"Our so called mother who left us and is a waste of space?"
"Don't speak of Her like it!"
"Why she left you said it!"
"Don't talk about your mum like it... it's not nice Alex"
"It's true! Thank god I am nothing like her."
"Why would you say that?"
"Why wouldn't I! She left me as well dad.. I still remember the PJS I was wearing.. abi is lucky she can't... "
"Stop that now she is your mother.. she was a bloody good mother to you"
"How was she? She left us.... you've been both roles.. father and mother.. your my dad and I hate that she left you... left us"
"I'm not" yelling back with tears streaming down his cheeks
"What? Not what?" Lip trembling and a muffled voice
"I'm not your dad... I'm your step dad"
"What.... no your lying.. what?"
"I'm not you were only 3 months old and I took you on as mine and that was the way it has been.."
"Why are telling me this? Why say something nasty like that"
"Alex don't cry"
"No... take it back... don't say that"
"Alex.. I'm not lying.."
"Shes mine... you are mine Alex I adopted you.. I fell in love with you the first time I saw you.. your ting hands. Button nose.. thin dark hair.. you didn't cry loud it was mermers"
A grin hugged his face with the memories flooding in
"What??... no your lying"
"I'm not... You mum got depression after abi was born she couldn't hassle life, being a parent.."
"What no.. your wrong....."
"Alex... calm down"
"I can't breath.... I can't breath"
"DAN..... DAN.. ROBO GET UP HERE.... breAth in and out slowly... in..... out..... in..... out"
"What's wrong?" Bursting up the hallway.
"Rob paper bag anything go... Alex.. slowly... in... out... whats happened... okay in and out slowly breath in and out.. good good Alex... kev what happened!?" Noticing Kevin has sat back on the floor staring at Alex who was kneeling having a panic attack

"Alex...good here.." grasping a brown bag she managed to slowly catch her breath!

"Right.. come on let's get you in your room"
"Don't Kevin.. I don't want to hear anything else" gripping on to Dan he led her away from them in the bedroom
"I'm your dad.."
"Your not though are you!"


"Knock.... Alex." She wasn't there
"Anyone seen Alex she's gone"
"What? No she was upstairs"
"She's gone!!" Pointing upstairs
"I'll go find her."
"I'll come... babe hold buds.." passing the sleepy puppy onto her lap
"Stay here Kevin.. me and Robo can find her"
"She can't have gone far" rob appeared with his coAt on.

"What is going on with them?"
"Rob I don't know.. but all I know is the last time I saw her have a panic attack is when Abi was hurt..."
"What was the whole not my father?"
"Actually don't know!.... come in it's cold let's find her... don't go far stay in contact.. "

Trampling through the cold wooden area, air was bitterly cold.. where was she.. where could she have gone! Why was everything so messed up, Why was she so upset.

The echoes of Robos voice calling Alex's name flowed through the ice cold air bouncing off the trees. The crunch from under foot made it feel even lonely.. knowing Robo wasn't far didn't make it any easier it any better and it didn't make me finding Alex any quicker!

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