Tweenty : Alex vs Kelly

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"Excuse me did a tall man just come through here?"

"Yes." Pointing to the exit door no where to been seen outside but the other door to the side flapped shut!

Knock Knock

"Open up dan I know your in there!"
"What?" Slowly opening the door
"Don't walk away from me "
"Well you weren't exactly talking to me was you let's face it!" Leaving the door open to follow inside
"What do you want me to say Dan?"
"I don't know Alex but all I want is you to be honest.."
"About what? You know how it is for me."
"About us... what you want."
"I told you! I don't know what I want. My life is leading no where.. endless relationships"
"So we were enless relationship then?"
"We dates a couple times"
"Yeah and we slept tighter enough.." raising his eye brows
"Don't get shitty with me seriously!! Not today... not now.."
"Your not helping yourself Alex you know that right?"
"This is ridiculous... I get it... I'm shit.. no need to tell me I already know."
"No that's not what I said.. for god sake... I love you okay and it's fine if you don't feel the same but you need to tell me... tell me do you love me or not?"
"Don't start being a child!"
"Do you love me or not?"
"Yes.. but we aren't right"
"What?? Fuck sake"
"Stop it... I love you I do but I don't want us to ruin what we have."
"How do you know we will ruin what we have when you haven't even tried!"
"Why risk it?"
"Why not risk it?? Come on Alex, stop being scared.. please."

His face was tense which wasn't very nice to see! The hotel room was dark with just the two lamps on. The maids had perfectly made his bed and hung his hands coat on front of the wardrobe.

"I don't want you to hate me!"
"Why would I hate you?" Slowly moving towards her
"Because everyone does in the end!"
"No Alex no they dont.."
"Brian does"
"Are you surprised he has a ego he can't even carry so that's no surprise.. time you let it go about him.. "
"Easy for you to say"
"Not really.. when I lost...... hmmm sorry when she left me.. I was like you... angry. It's not a good place.. you need to let me in.. let me show you it's okay.."

Her silence spoke words

"I need some time?"
"Fine.. Okay." She left the room in floods of tears. Her cry floated down the corridor. Like her heart was braking all over again but actually for no reason.

Wiping the tears away a ladies voices called my name

"Alex?" A lady about 5ft 9, blonde hair styled in a bob just under her chin. Her jade green eyes were glistening. Her strawberry pink lippy suited against her rosey cheeks. A silk navy skirt complimented her perfect figure, the cream blouse was hugged by a pale teal jacket. Her lipstick matched her shoes. Nails perfectly manicured. What possibly could her life be like to be able to look like that perfection!

"Yes" replying to her request
"Hi you don't know me...but I'm Kelly your half sister." Everything went into a blur & nothing felt real. Dad standing there giving me the reassuring nod which wasn't reassuring at all!

Everything went black, chest felt tight, hands were cold and clammy... voices were distant like they were fading away.

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