Nineteen: Dan

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"Hi everyone.. so it's time for me to do my best man speech, don't worry Rob I'll be kind! "

The speech trailed on and even through it was funny the laughs from me were belly laughs, the drifting off in my own little space forgetting here I am dressed up like a poxy barbie in a pink ball gown dress. Hair so tight it could give me a face lift.

"Oui pay attention" Kevin broke her trail of thought and Abi was staring straight at her

Clapping at the speech everyone got on the way of either getting more food, getting a drink or simply just talking.

"Where you going?"
"To the god damn toilet okay?" Snapping the clasp bag shut
"Pack it in" Kevin growled
"Come on you two stop" my aunty played the middle part
Walking down the corridor while checking my phone one message at all. So that confirmed that then I'm not that important to him.

"Alex.. " Dan appeared from behind me
"Dan hi."
"How are you?"
"Great. You? How is the transfer station?"
"Was Good Yeah.. sorted few things out... but I'm actually moving back."
"To dads station?"
"Yeah.. well I need to find somewhere to live first!"
"Your flat?"
"Oh I sold it... probably shouldn't have really.. what about you? Work?"
"Work is good yeah but I dunno. Your speech was great?"
"Yeah it could have been better "
"No it was fine."
"So what else you been up too? See your back on talking terms with Kevin that's great!"
"Yeah we trying. It's tense but hey he's my dad right.. sorry umm I need the toilet."
"Alex, wait.." she was gone the tone she had was irritated and sarcastic and it was very obvious she was pissed at someone or something or just life..

"Oui what you sneaking around here?" Robs sister appeared
"Not sneaking was talking to someone.. how are you?"
"Great... I was wondering if your free and single if you fancied buying a glass of bubbles?"
"I'll buy you bubbles but that's it"
"Are you single?"
"Yeah but good being single.. I will go get your bubbles!!"
"Wait... Pink bubbles so it match's my dress." She replied with a childish grin and a tone
"Sure." In disbelief to her request. Been there and it was a massive mistake

"What Can I get you?" The bloke at bar offered
"Pink bubbles please."
"Strawberry for lady again?"
"You clearly know which lady.. "
"Yep she already had one glass... here." Adding the pretty sliced strawberry

"Kev.. great wedding?"
"Amazing day.. speech was good well done lad." With a strong pat on the back
"Spoken To Alex?"
"Just now but she was one word answers!"
"Hmmm she hadn't had best few days... she's so angry with life."
"Sometimes I think she enjoys being angry at everyone! Stops her allowing anyone close to her. It's easier to moan than be happy."
"Dan." Kev nodded
"Really... and you wonder why I keep everyone at distance! Twat" grabbing the pink Champaign throwing it all over him

"Sophia wait. Your joking me.. " dripping wet with everyone staring
"My drink!" She appeared
"But your own." Snapping in disbelief , alex was further than thought she would have been.
She dashed through the door that led round to the back court yard

Heart beating quick, anger was burning within
Maybe even a tad embarrassed but his strides were bigger!

"Right stop what and why did you do that?"
"I heard what you said... really nice of you"
"What are you joking? It's true though isn't it? I was trying to make amends and you couldn't even be bothered to talk to me!"
"It's awkward dan. We haven't spoken in ages and you saying I like to be angry! What the hell?"
"No... hold on what I meant was you never let anyone close and so it's easier to be angry.. difference "
"No there's not!!! Maybe if I didn't have such jerky blokes in my life then maybe I wouldn't be bitter.."
"Tell me who?"
"Brain... Kevin... my real dad.... you... my ex boyfriend who actually should have been here with me to see my dad and for the wedding yet he chose to stay at work because that's more important.. never mind all that and seeing you.." tears rolled down and her bottom lip trembled with anger she carried on

"Seeing you doesn't make it any easier. My life is hitting rock bottom! I haven't got a clue where I am heading in life! I'm still not settled.. my mother left, Kevin isn't my dad, my real dad doesn't want to know, I found out by a letter I have siblings and nieces and nephews!! so you tell me what have I got to be happy about huh?"

"Wow calm down... okay so you have been dealt some rough cards but you only got them because your able to handle it... Your not only one who has been dealt shit cards for a life... but there are people out there who actually have a worst life than you & would do anything for your life..."

"So what but Right now... I'm not happy... I Please every other person and when I want to do things for me and actually say no to people boom there are fire works coz they don't like it..... and you.... you left! Your just as bad"

"Me? How you figure that?? I didn't leave I offered my place to you and you decided to get your own place.... god I told you how I felt about you alex but you make it so hard... I told you! But you ignored it & so I left yes!"

"No you didn't tell me... anyway you barely know me !"

"This old card again.... round three shall we go at?? You know what you either want to be with me or you don't"

"I haven't seen you in ages.."

"So what... do you love me? It is a simple question.... yes or no! If you don't I will walk back inside and we won't speak a word of this again"

"You can't ask me that?"

"I can and I have so tell me do you love me??"
Pointing his arm straight towards the door. Shifting around from foot to foot

"I'm done you can't even answer me can you?"

"Don't get angry at me... you don't want my baggage "

"That's my decision"

"I know but why ruin something when we know my faults"

"Why not let me show you.. your not giving me a chance!!"

"I did!!"

"No you didn't.... you either want me or you don't... look forget it.."

"Where you going ?"

"Anywhere but here" storming through the door everyone were watching and Kevin had that look of worry

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