Sixteen: Life

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Dear Dan,

You know life can change within seconds for good or bad! We both haven't had it easy in life and finding you is the best thing I could have hoped for! Your an amazing man and you deserve the world! You need to make yourself happy! Put yourself first for once.
I know we both have dealt with much more than we should have you know that but that's life isn't it? We aren't born with silver spoons in our mouths we aren't made to have that! We are mad to work hard and what you have is because you have worked hard for!

You know Loving someone can be pure happiness, a happiness not everyone are able to feel and I am thankful you made me feel it in such a short space of time!

We are blessed to have you in our lives & the people around here are lucky to have you being a fire fighter looking out for all these locals!
Your parents would be so proud of you! Your amazing and you need to trust yourself.
Life isn't made to be easy and that's just the way it is! I'm thankful that your in my life and I never want to loose you! I need you in my life.... that's why I need you to go.. I need you to take that promotion! You need to do it! You and me aren't an option!

Go do what your good at and don't look back for me or anyone because yes we will be here but go do it please! You can do better than me better than us.. you deserve so much more!

You need to know... you are that person who entered my life out of no where, & suddenly means the world to me!

Don't call me Dan this is hard enough writing this letter!

Take care


One question, what is the most perfect life? In fact there isn't one! Just the life you wish to lead! Dance in the rain or sing in the sun. Do what you need to do to be happy.. you never know what love is until you lose it! There is only one life.. no on can tell you what to do, how to feel. How to dress or how to do your hair! You can't love anyone until you love yourself. Families are the one important thing in life never take it for granted!

Dear Lisa,
I'm sorry it has been so long. I didn't now how I could write.. or how long I would be writing for!! Guess I'll start here....... My father... who is that? Bit of a question I know.. I recently found out that who I thought was my dad actually isn't. That's right Kevin isn't my dad! And what makes it worse is Kevin is dating my aunty!!! My mother's sister.... wrong huh?
Abi is flawless as ever, she's dating someone, bit of a jack the lad you know type! Correct me if I'm wrong wasn't Jay one in his younger days?? Only joking..
however in all seriousness I'm lost.. simple really.. maybe sounds dramatic but it's true I feel very lost! Kevin said he will help me find my dad but I'm pretty sure that will be let down! So what's the point of allowing myself to get hurt all over again! Advise?????

I met this amazing bloke but it couldn't work out! And anyway hurt long story short I am divorcing Brian! He's got a child on his arm now!! I know you were never lean on him! It's fine I guess deep down I knew we weren't right!
Bit like oil & milk... they cant mix!

I know you will be getting angry with me!! Blah blah blah blah.. I fell for him.. hes is amazing! Didn't actually realise how one person could walk in my life and change everything about my life!

But I'm moving on.. cracking on with job and just enjoying my apartment!

But you won't believe it!! Abi is engaged!! Bridezilla here she comes!!
Anyway Let me know when we can meet up?

Take care
Alex xxxx


Knock knock

"Come in... babe alright?" Finely styled black hair that made his bright blue eyes stand out more, his beautiful long eye lashes. And his fine and very expensive suit showed expense!

"Hey... Yeah.. ummm can I knock off early today?"
"Sure why?"
"I need to collect your suit and my bridmaids dress!" Noticing Lewis didn't even look up from his computer screen! Tapping a few buttons at a time. Lips twitching as he read what he had typed.
"What?" Snapping At me
"Is it okay if I leave early"
"Sure why?" Attention back to the computer
"To get your suit and my dress."
"Oh Right.. Yeah.... but I can't come now..."
"What your joking?"
"Babe don't give me grief! I need to work on this proposal."
"A day off won't stop the proposal!"
"I can't.. I need to get it done.. do you not understand how much money this can bring in and it will make me a partner.."
"Please don't do this to me"
"Alex Babe Please... Look let me get this done.. here... get your nails and that done.. I'll meet you later yeah? "
"Fine... Hilton Hotel.."
"Sure I know....." a knock on the door and in walked Mr Mason..
"Alex.. Lewis... how's it going?"
"Great.. nearly done"
"Look... we all know your going to smash it... so... myself and the other partners would like to make you an partner... congratulations"

Lewis was ecstatic jumping up to shake Mr Masons hand!

"Get ready for long hours working now son and the swanky party this weekend.. get ready to mingle... Alex" he nodded at me before leaving

"Party?" Folded arms and bated breath
"I can't not.. I have just been made partner.." making his way over like an excited kid at Christmas.
"It's my sisters wedding day"
"They won't miss me babe.. babe I'm a partner" tugging at my arms, realising from his embrace.
"It's my sisters wedding.."
"Babe seriously.. I won't be missed"
"I will miss you! I need you there.. you know how hard it's gonna be for me!"
"Alex Your Be Fine... I need to ring my mother.. what? No go treat yourself" looking back at the credit card I slid on his desk

"No... " with a heavy heart I knew what I needed too do.... and that was not cry!!
"What's wrong?"
"It's my sisters wedding... actually nothing... don't bother coming... and here..... oh and here.." placing in his desk his car keys to the mercadez and this beautiful ring he brought me
"What you doing? Don't do that!"
"Look you need to work and I need a boyfriend who will protect me.."
"Excuse me... protect you.. always protect you.." Hinting at his slim physic and his vet tones arms and torso which yes I agree he's stunning!
"Your priority is work.. it's fine.... bye Lewis"
"Bye?... Oui alex"
"What? You can't be to support me.. I've been to every god damn works party. Everything meeting you have had I have been there.. sleezy men hitting on me yet I still come and support you yet this one time I need your support your no where to be seen... says it all really?!"
"Not really.. this is important"
"And the wedding is too!"
"I'm not saying it isn't"
"Your work is more important! Least I know now"
"Least you know now what??" Raising to his feet again with a tense expression
"This isn't working.. it's fine. You stay.. I'll go" controlling the trembling of lips, heart pounding, trembling body, sweaty palms!

"Alex wait I don't understand!"
"You need to work and I need to look after me"
"So are we braking up?"
".. ummm.. yes" sighing at those words
"What? Why? Because I can't come with you!"
"Well yeah.. it's not working is it"
"I love you baby don't leave!" Reaching out
"You love the thought of me.. it's different"
"Stop being so matter of fact"
"No point in dragging this out!"
"Dragging It our! WhAt? Don't talk about us like that!"
"I'm saying the truth! We are are worlds apart really.. if we were at school you would be with the popular kids and we'll I wouldn't be with them."
"We aren't at school now Sophia"
"True! However..." shrugging her shoulders
"You going to give up on us? Because I can't come to your sisters wedding?!" Disbelief was obvious in his tone
"Yeah partly of that.. it's important to me and you know how nervous I am!"
"Yeah and like I said I can't leave this proposal!"
"Well yes if I am honest.."
"You haven't even met my dad.."
"So... there's another time"
"Right.... look if I can get there I will."
"Don't bother.."
"Alex.. wait.."
"Don't come... I'll bundle your few things at mine and leave them in the lounge! Feel free to pop in collect them over the weekend! I won't be back till Tuesday"
"Seriously this is a joke your being like a child!"
"No its priorities isnt it!!work is work now."
"Alex." Sweeping through the office feeling like everyone was watching.

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