Twelve : The cabin

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"Morning." Nervously greeting everyone
"Dude you've come?" Robo seemed happier
"Yeah beats being at home plus I can do the driving"
"Yeah I'm driving me and Abi"
"Kevin said."
"Good to have you join us dude..where Kelly?"
"Yeah umm that's over"
"Over? Over? Already but she was fit as "
"Hey.." Abi playfully nudged him
"Sorry baby." Wrapping his arm across her shoulders
"Haha yeah she just wasn't right you know.."
"A nurse!! Fit as and you dump her"
"Don't get me wrong she wasn't happy with me.. throwing insults at me left right and centre"
Abi went over to the back of the their car
"Really like what?"
"About Alex telling me I can't see her it is wrong and I'm a dick head you name it! I shouldn't see Alex anymore and delete her number!"
"I've seen the way you look at her dude I have"
"Shut up no way"
"It's fine if you do! I'm lucky to have abi"
"Yeah you are I'll agree on that... boss how you feeling?"
"Not too bad you?"
"Okay like you"
"Where's Alex?"
"Oh don't know!" Abi appeared
"Right dad in our car" she demanded
"No im going with Alex"
"No change of plan your with us no arguing"
"Promise I won't crash boss" rob joked
"Funny man he is funny funny funny" dry tone as he got in
"Don't wind him up it's a long drive"
"Sorry I was only playing... bruv see you there?"
"Yeah drive safe"
"Will do come on"
"Right ready?" Alex appeared all flustered
"Yeah your dad gone with them?"
"Yeah we need to detour if okay?"
"Sure.. you okay!? Not getting grief from Brian?"
"Shall I drive?" Taking the keys, side glances at Alex knowing full well something was and is wrong no matter what she keeps denying ..

"We need to collect dads gift."
"Okay.. from where?"
"Animal shelter.. we getting him a puppy."
"A puppy?"
"Yeah." Her sweet smile appeared and she just doesn't realise does she! Watching her excited hug and kiss this tiny golden retriever puppy who was the cutest thing!

"Look?!" Alex pointed down to the puppy fast asleep wrapped up in a blanket
"Does he know your doing this?"
"What you mean buying a puppy?"
"No... he was saying how much he misses a dog and I thought you know it will give him company while I'm not there and abi won't be able to be around all the time either"
"Where you going?"
"Umm we'll work have offered me a replacement at another office. Promotion, pay rise."
"That's amazing well done"
"Yeah but it's in Birmingham... dad doesn't know"
"Birmingham... What... when did that happen?"
"This week.. I haven't accepted said I need some time and then dad getting hurt.."
"He will be happy for you!"
"Will He because I'm not so sure.."
"You have to do what makes you happy Alex.. everyone else does so why shouldn't you!"

Focusing back to the road, the fur against my skin was silky and the musty, leathery smell filled the car.

"I hope dad will like him"
"No reason not too. Look how cute he is"
"Should I take the job!"
"You can't ask me to answer that Alex."
"I can and I have"
"No you need to decide.. wonder if they have got to the cabin yet."
"Have you heard from Kelly ?"
"We haven't got much longer have we?"
"A few times"
"A few times? Does she know where your going?"
"Yeah she knows.. she was getting too serious for me"
"How serious?"
"We has only been seeing after matter of days and she wanted me to drop everyone in my life and No I won't do it!"
"She's beautiful"
"Yeah she is but what's more important? Beauty or kindness because personally kindness is more and I don't like being told who I can hang out with!"
"You mean me!! She didn't want you to See me? But why we barely know each other"
"I think we know each other better than you think!"
"Okay tell me......... my age"
"Okay fluke.... colour of my eyes.."
"Green... too easy"
"Okay.... what's my middle name"
"What how you know that"
"Your dad told me... any more"
"How long was I married to Brian for?"
"Too long... 18 months what a waste"
"I will give you that one!" Pointing to him in agreement
"I remember Alex.. and as much as she is a great girl she isn't for me simple really!"
"You night change your mind after few days with us " laughing
"I am doubtful"
"You might. It's Christmas.. you might miss the cuddles in front the fire, the cold morning walking.. kissing under mistletoe... hat generally enjoying this time of year with someone special... I love early morning walks you know, wrap up warm and when come home to the warmth of fire and we settle down to a film and eat Christmas pudding... "
"Sounds like you have it all planned"
"No not planned just what I enjoy"
"Well we can do all that"
"Hahaha yeah except the kissing and cuddling" a playful innocent tone seeped through her voice where dan wasn't joking which was obvious!
"Yeah Course... up here is it?" Leaning forward staring at the road sign
"Yeah up here.." Stroking the puppies Head were was just waking up..

"God they are here already.. umm how are we gonna do this?" Hinting at the dog
"Well he's gonna have to have it now"
"Yeah guess."
"We can't hide a puppy Alex.. come here little bud" pulling the puppy into his arms, pulling his jacket around it to stop him getting cold from the breeze and snow
"Come on lets get in"

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