Twenty two: final thought

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Life can change From any moment and being a Fireman's daughter teaches you many things.. think outside the box, asses the situation, keep calm, everyone has demons and some things can not be unseen. My dad is a hero and he runs into building when other run out.. he holds people up when they are falling down.

He supports everyone even though he needs supporting! He Also has demons that can not be forgotten! His love for his daughter goes unspoken.

In a life of a fire fighter is stressful but there is this growing feeling of protecting the people who are in need and that is what keeps the love for the job going.
its easy to be caught up In the rhyme of it, the roll of the job with the rush of adrenaline pumping through your veins.

The demons may haunt the dreams of many and some can't forget the vision of them and some do deal with it but the night sweats and the nightmares stay with you for the rest of your life. along with the jobs that can not be forgotten, not all terrible ones but the ones where you have to help deliver a baby or a kid stuck in the lake but the most worst do come to mind.

no one can understand the feeling of proudness that a daughter or son can have for their father, a hero or just someone who is trusting, reliable, someone who always appears to have the right answer, someone who you know you can go to
that person just might be our fathers, mothers, aunties or uncles! Doesn't truly matter who they are but being a fire fighters daughter has the worries that will they be coming home tomorrow, a daughter won't accept anyone to be able to peak above her father! He can only be the person who solves things or just hides his demons for many years and they still don't beat him, well as far as he lets on anyway.

from day to day, shift to shift they don't know what they will entail, car accidents, house fires, people trapped, shooting, stabbings, bin fire... going to these jobs even though they have probably been up for 6 hours already, if you see a tired fire fighter, they might be leaning up against the pump, don't judge them, offer them a drink, food.. Because they are people that hold this community together, they are the ones who battles extreme heats for us. They wear the heavy uniform to one protect themselves and so they can withstand the heat to save you to save us!

don't judge them if they are having a minute break, would you be okay fighting a fire in extreme heat on very little sleep, food and water? Think before you think the worse!
you never know when you might want them so isn't it worth supporting the fire service, ambulance and police force?
as a daughter, look outside the box, is that fire fighter tired? Tired of having the nightmares? The vision that can not be unseen? Day to day life can be draining because even if they aren't on shift doesn't mean they forget what happened on that shift. nights get longer when its too dark to sleep.

The bells went down with the lights flashing on, the shock of waking up from a sleep never mind having to get ready for the job that is needed to be done. Uniforms laid out, trousers rolled down over the boots, jackets hanging up on the pegs under the surnames, helmet placed on the next hook. all the equipment already on the pump if need... lights on, engine started, adrenaline going, atmosphere in the pump of the unknown!

"Boys, persons reported house fire, BA sets on, Bob Get going..." Kevin bellowed out across the radios, one after one the two pumps left the fire house.

Just another day, just another shift in the fire house!

My boyfriend, A fire fighter, his finance!

My Dad, A fire fighter, His Daughter!

The End

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