Ten: What is the truth

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"Robo said that Dan went on a date yesterday!" Abi Happily told me
"Did he!" Trying to show no interest as we joined the very much busy coffee shop what was so warm in there the Windows had steamed up.
"Yeah apparently he hasn't given much information away but she's stunning and a doctor"
"Blue eyes for him then"
"Why the tone"
"No tone"
"Now that is a fake smile!!"
"No not really. Has dad spoke to you?"
"You like him" playfully pointing
"No I don't"
"Oooooo defensive"
"Shut up"
"You do like him... why shouldn't you hes hot"
"Stop yeah I don't fancy him.. dad..has he rung you?"
"Well you should fancy him and dad no why?"
"About Christmas? And for dad fancy going half's and we but him a puppy?"
"A puppy your joking he works long shifts"
"It will be good for him! I'll do it on my own it's no bother!"
"No it's fine we can do that but maybe just ha e a good think first yeah?"
"Already started!"
"I bet so Dan!"
"Dad said about going up to the lodge"
"Didn't realise dad still had that lodge!"
"Yep.. he wondered if it was okay with us to go up for Christmas.. think he needs a break and family time... did you know he's not sleeping great has he said anything to you?"
"No nothing... well not to me anyway "
"Is it okay with you then?"
"If rob can come it's fine"
"Yeah he can come!"
"Great we are in then.."
"You know I joined a dating website"
"No you didn't?"
"I did got a few dates lined up already"


"You know Alex I don't remember Mum"
"No. Does that make me bad?"
"No not at all Abi. Blimey dad feels guilty he didn't stop Mum going!"
"Why did she go?" Twiddling her fingers uneasiness filled my body and not sure if I should tell her
"Look Mum wasn't happy.. she obviously couldn't deal with family with us with dad working"
"So she hated us"
"No that's not it! She wasn't happy. She clearly thought leaving us was the best thing to do and no she doesn't hate us she..... there is a difference between hating us and not able to deal with life."
"Abi don't get upset by it. Mum.... mums been gone a long time now and we have done fine"
"Have we really?"
"Yes we have! We are so lucky to have a dad who is amazing and who did everything possible to make our life easier. He worked to give us expensive shoes, top notch clothing... you name it he did it!"
"You see it different"
"How do I?"
"You always defend dad.. you defend everyone"
"No I don't I just see the bigger picture..... don't get moody! You asked!"

Silence between us was not the nicest and I could see her bottom lip dropping ready for any moment for her to burst into tears! And I'm walked dan with this stunning girl right behind him... laughing and smiling, flirting touching his arm as they waited in a queue.

"Abi I'm gonna go.. umm are we okay?"
"Okay. Guess" speaking without looking at me
"Fine when your ready to talk to me like an adult ring me" pulling on a coat and grabbing my bag from back off the chair I swiftly left in hope no one saw me. Out of sight out of mind and all that!


The open fire was fierce and the way the flames flickered around and around were beautiful. The dark drew in quickly and the sky was so clear which seemed to make the star shine even brighter.
: hey.. why did you dash off so quickly? Had to get somewhere or was you avoiding me? Dan :

: hi, I had to go somewhere and I lost track of time! Where did you see me? :

"Dad... tomorrow can you help me?"
"With what?"
"Collecting my things from Brian's... I don't want to go alone."
"You don't need to ask! I'll sort a van out."
"Thanks dad!"


Muffles voices were at the front door, swinging her hair up right before being greated by dad, Robo and Dan who sheepishly adjusted his cap he was wearing

"Oh hey"
"Right ready to get going?" Dad rubbed his hands together
"Umm yeah just give me a few minuets!"
"The boys are helping!"
"Oh you don't need too"
"It's fine! Said we would and I have a van." Dan pointed behind him.
Nodding before disappearing into the kitchen

"WhAt is wrong with you?" Dad grunted at me in the kitchen
"Nothing.. just not very nice is it!"
"No but sooner it's done the better No??"
"I know but I can do it"
"Look more hands quicker done and anyway better to have young lads lifting.. so getting sorted and we will go Yeah?"

Silence in the van was awkward, rob singing loud and Terribly might I add!
"Will Brian be there?" Dan asked me while dad was asleep and rob was singing
"Umm shouldn't be no..... thanks for helping"
"Well I said I would"
"I know but thanks... it's not much further... don't judge me will you"
"Over What?"
"House What was my home!"
"Course Not!"

After a bit more driving, a anxiety started to kick in.. How was it going to feel going back in that house what will this lot be like.

"Right it's just down here..." pointing ahead
"Down here? Look at the size of these houses!" Robo blurted out

"Shut up Rob" Dan jumped in
"This drive way here! " the black iron gates swung open for us.

"Alex?" Dad could only say to me
"Park there it's fine!"
"Wow." Rob jumped out with dad
"Look ignore them let's get in and out yeah?"
"Yep." Deep breath In as we went inside to be faced with boxes already filled and left for me with a note attached

: Alex all your things are here. Leave the keys. Close the doors behind and don't remove anything except your boxes thanks Brian :

"What..... arsehole... come on" Dad appeared and screwed the piece of paper up and threw it on the hallway floor. Before they got loading the van up..

This house isn't my home.. it doesn't even feel like mine now... laughter, running around being chased my Brian. Kissing me and I cooked dinner in the kitchen that had the finest of the fine items. Expensive kitchen worktops and huge oven.. making love in the lounge in front of the open fire place...
The arguments, slamming of doors, an iron being launched across the lounge.. sleeping in separate rooms. Not talking for days!

"Alex.... Alex.."
"Yeah sorry."
"We ready to go."
"Okay.." following the red carpet down the stairs to the front door, holding the keys tight, heart feeling heavy

"Come on... it's a big house sweetheart but it's not your home!" dad rested his hand on my shoulder
"I know." The iron gates opened and the sick bottom of stomach feeling began.
"Brian?" Dan asked as a Porsche turned up.
"Yep.." Staring to watch him and a young blonde appear from the car and arrogantly walk to front door.

"Alex keys?" He called
"Sod the keys...... go get them mate" dan threw them down the small
"No dan..."
"You'll pay for that!"
"Good luck mate!! Alex get in the van."
"I'll have you arrested for damage of property"
"Go for mate give it ago... stay away from Alex you hear me?"
"Why would I want her now?" Leading every eyeline to the young girl next to him.
"Stay away"
"I'll send the bill "
"You do that.."

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