Three: Sister in love

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"Morning Dad.. alright?"
"Yeah.. is that coffee I smell?"
"Yeah.. thought you could do with one?"
"Sleep okay?"
"On and off!!.. here you go!" - passing across the worktop
"I need to get some sleep but we need to have a proper talk? Does Abi know your back? You can't avoid her she's practically here everyday!"
"I saw the roll of your eyes dad."
"Well you know Abi! Blah blah blah!"
"Well we are meeting up later.."
"Okay but let me get some shut eye first." And he took the mug with him to bed. The darkness was deep within his skin, tiredness was obvious.

Receiving a text while sipping a coffee

"Sis. Can we meet earlier? Abi x"
"Now? X"
"Now is good x"

Closing the door behind me quietly remembering dad always woke up to the most quiet sound even of a mouse squeaking! The warmth of the breeze crawled across my face, the sound of normal everyday people going about there own business is a wonderful feeling and really I am just a girl who fell in love at a early age and got her heart broken. Simple really an everyday thing that happens to everyone!

The little blue cafe still looks the same, except clearly had a repaint and a new door the door never looked this posh I remember it being slightly rotten at the left hand corner that probably a small mouse could sneak through!

My little sister was sitting as pretty as a picture that she always was. Hair pristine not a hair out of place, the ringlets hung below her shoulder blades but since when was her hair blonde she was always strawberry blonde but with more ginger in it, which she hated!! I am 99% sure that no doubt her make up is flawless, she was always so lucky to have flawless skin never got spots just god damn plain lucky.

"Alex." She seemed to squell and embraced so tightly ribs couldn't take any more

"Abi" as flawless as I expected

The chatter begin and every question being thrown at me left, right and centre while mainly dodging most of them without her knowing!

"So tell me single?" Sipping the coffee
"No actually. Been seeing this guy!! He's amazing!" She grinned like a Cheshire Cat

"Okay. How long for? Tall, dark and handsome no doubt? And a millionaire?"
"Huh?" Replying to mumbling while rolling her eyes at me
"How long you been seeing him? Dad met him yet?"
"A few months on the quiet! God no dad wouldn't be happy"
"On the quiet? What has he just got out prison or something?" Laughing

"No.. shut up.. he's amazing but dad won't be happy so it's being kept quiet!"
"Why? Dads alright he knows people have relationships! He's not that old fashioned!"
"Stop with the sarcastic tone!"
"So where you meet him?"
"I was out with the girls.. he's amazing"
"What he do then?"
"You won't tell dad will you?"
"Shit he's a firefighter ain't he?" Laughing with my sarcastic tone that she hates
"Yeah actually he is.."
"Oh.. well dad will be fine I'm sure!" Knowing full well dad won't be happy!
"What makes it worse is he's on dads watch!"
"Your on your own sister.. that is one step too far! Your right dad won't be happy! You know he always said we were never to come home with a druggy, a boy racer or anyone with prison in their past or a firefighter!! Simples rules to follow!"

She paused as her eyes told a thousand words

"Thing is he is so different when with me!"
"They normally are Abi, is it serious?"
"I think so.. we been looking at apartments!"
"Abi no you can't move in with him you barely know him and dad hasn't been told!! Come on think about it!"
"I know but he's great!"
"Yeah and not moving in together he will still be great!! Think you should tell dad!"

Swinging her finger around the lip of the mug rim her eyes didn't look anywhere except to her phone that vibrated.

"So got a photo?" Her smile was Infectious as always was as a kid. She only had to smile to get away with anything.

"I saw him yesterday."
"Well yeah being on dads team!"
"He's gobby!"
"Arrogant most people say?!"
"Your friends say that?"
"Yep. But he's so different with me, sweet, kind, hugs me so tightly, I know I'm important to him."
"Okay well if he's that serious about you as you say then he won't mind waiting to get an apartment and most importantly you need to tell dad."
"You tell dad. He can't be angry with you!"
"I can't do that."
"Please please please." Begging like a child for a bag of penny sweets!
"Fine I'll give it ago but no promises!"

** Later that evening : **

"Yes?" Taking a swig from a beer while propped against the breakfast bar reading a newspaper.

"Umm.. Abi asked me something earlier & thought should run it by you!" Hesitantly telling him

"God what the girl done? How much it going to cost me?" Slowly picking up his wallet

"Nothing. She's said she looking at getting an apartment with a bloke she been seeing!"

"Since when has she been seeing anyone?" Eyes narrowed and a paused moment

"A while by sounds of it!.. "
"Who is he? She's not told me anything?"
"She didn't tell me much either!! But what would be the worst type of person she could date?"

"Drug dealer, drinker. A boy racer, anyone in who's been in prison and worst of all fire fighter!!"

"right okay then." Awkwardly turning away

"Person best is accountant, IT, teacher someone who sensible!"
"Right well.. she's dating a person you sort of know!"
"What? Who?" Slamming the beer bottle down
"Yeah.. umm you know him luckily none of this awkwardness!" Swiftly moving to answer the door seconds after the bell rung
"Alex what? Who is it?" Dad was angry more than expected!

"Oh Hi."
"Alex right?"
"Yeah.. are you wanting my dad?"
"Come in... dad someone here for you!" Pointing to the door
"Who? Dan.. everything okay?"
"I.... I need a word if possible?" Shifting from foot to foot

"Alex we aren't finished and when your sister gets here do not let her leave you hear?... let's go for a walk Dan... daughters.....never have kids Dan" placing his hand on his shoulder the door closed!

Quickly grabbing my phone

"Abi, yeah told dad he not happy! Be prepAred later! Get your arse over asap! Alex"

"great!! On way!"

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