Chapter 3: Tear Stains.

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#Callie's P.O.V#
I wake up the next morning, and go straight to YouTube. I find the video that Joel posted about adopting someone. I go to the comments and start reading, the top comment I saw was saying,
"Wow! I bet she's pretty!" My heart melts a bit. I read one of the 243 replies to it. It was the first reply, and of course, it was from Gracie. I knew because one day, she told me it was her username.
"She's really not. I knew her from the orphanage we were at together. She's just fat and ugly."
Then that's when all the hate rolled in. They all agreed. There were only 2 or 3 replies that were sticking up for me. I tried to shake it off and move on to twitter.
Same. Thing. Happened. It was the tweet that Joel said that they were adopting. Of course, Gracie did most of it. But still, there was so much hate.
I couldn't take it. I started crying, tears running down my face. I threw my phone at the wall, just in the right place where it bounced off and landed on a bean bag chair.
I turned to my side, staring at the window, and sobbed.
Were they right? Am I fat? Am I ugly?
I convinced myself that I was.
I heard footsteps in the hallway.
I could tell it was Lizzie by the light knocking on the door.
I didn't answer her when she asked if she could come in.
I heard the door open, and Lizzie walked in.
I moved the blanket over my face. I hear Lizzie walk to go get my phone.
She came over to me, setting it on the dresser by my bed.
"What happened?" She asked.
No answer.
"Callie, tell me." She said, once again, no answer.
"Fine, I'll check your phone." She said, still sounding sympothetic.
I turn to look at her as she unlocks my phone, and reads through twitter.
"Not true! You're beautiful!" She says, I start shaking my head.
"Yes, you are. Don't listen to them, you're not fat, you're not ugly." She says. I don't say anything in return, I just hug her and sob into her shoulder.
About an hour later, she left my room to make some lunch. I go into my bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror. There were tear stains on my cheeks.
I really am ugly. I really am fat. Why did she lie to me? They probably want to take me back by now.
I walk out of the bathroom and down the stairs.
"You okay now?" Lizzie questions, cooking breakfast.
"Yeah." I say, not being honest.
She sets food down for me. As I'm about to take a bite, I remember the comments.
'She must be fat and ugly.'
I set my fork back down on my plate.
"Are you going to eat?" Joel asks.
"Uhmmm.. no I'm just not that hungry."
They both look confused.
"Okay?" Joel says, taking my plate. I run upstairs, and go on twitter, trying to scroll past all the hate. Took me a while.
I haven't eaten all day. I can't. I want to lose weight. I know exercising helps, but that would take too long. Unless I combine them. I get up and start doing sit-ups. I eventually get called down for dinner.
I go downstairs and see food.
"Errr... Actually, I think my stomach hurts too much to eat... I'll eat later." I tell Lizzie.
"Callie. You need to eat. Come here." She tells me. I walk farther down the steps and sit down at the table. Lizzie sits food in front of me.
"Take a bite." She demands.
"Actually, I'm really thirsty, I'm going to get some water." I say, standing up and getting some water.
"Now sit down and eat." She demands again.
"Uh.. Lizzie I don't feel good, I'm going to go lay down... on the couch..." I say, walking to the couch.
"Ugh! Fine, but you're eating breakfast tomorrow." She says. I realise I've forgotten my phone. I run upstairs to get it.
I open my phone and realise I'm still on twitter.
I refresh, and this time there was so much more hate. I go on YouTube and watch some videos. When I watch Lizzie or Joel's videos, I make sure to stay away from the comments.
I figure soon that I should go to sleep. I turn off my phone, and drift off to sleep.
I wake up, it was 10 am. I decide to stay in my room so I don't have to eat breakfast. I lay in my bed, hoping that I might just fall back asleep, but it doesn't happen.
It's 10:30 now, and I decide I'll go downstairs, they've got to be done by now.
I walk downstairs, and see all of the food has been put away.
I walk to the living room and see Lizzie and Joel on the couch,cuddled up against eachother, watching TV.
"Oh hey, Callie!" Joel said.
"Morning!" I say.
I walk to the couch and sit next to Joel. We sit in silence watching the TV.
"So what should we do today?" Lizzie asks.
"Mall?" I kind of wanted to go, there was a cool store in there I wanted to see.
"Yeah sure." Lizzie said, Joel nodded in agreement.
I go upstairs to get ready. I shower, get dressed, and put my hair into a low ponytail.
I walk see everyone ready. I put a jacket on and we drive to the mall.
We go inside and shop for a few hours.
"I'm hungry!" Joel whines.
"Fine we can go to Taco Bell." Lizzie says.
We walk to the taco bell in the mall, and get in line.
"What does everybody want?" Lizzie asks.
"Umm... I have to go to the bathroom, I'm not really hungry." I say, and walk to the bathroom. I stare at myself in the mirror for a few minutes. Ugly.
I walk back out to Lizzie and joel, hoping they've finished.
"I'm back." I tell them.
They finish up their food and we go to a few more stores.
By the time we got out it was 5:30. Wow. We were in there a while.
We go home and I go straight upstairs. I hear my stomach rumble but I ignore it.
(A/N) HI! Sorry if I don't upload a bunch. Anyways, hope you're enjoying the book, and feel free to leave suggestions saying what I should do, or what I can do to improve the book, thanks! Byeeeeeeeeee

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