Chapter 15: Sick?

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                    #Callie's P.O.V#
I wake up from the terrible dream, sweating and shaking. Who knew gate could do this to someone? Try to calm down, but can't. I slowly start to freak out. Once i calm down enough, I turn to my alarm clock:
I sigh, and get up. Still about 3 1/2 hours till school.
I doubt anyone's awake, so I walk downstairs and open the fridge, grabbing a chocolate bar.
"What are you doing up?" I hear a voice and I jump.
I turn to see Lizzie standing there.
"I- uh- bad dream- what are you doing up?" I ask her.
"I was watching Netflix and forgot to go to sleep." She says.
"Well I gotta get to bed." I say, eating the last piece of my chocolate.
"Wait, what was your dream about?" Lizzie asks, looking at me.
"Uh- nothing, just random crap." I say, running up the stairs.
I didn't want her to find out about the hate, there's not enough for her to worry about. I mean, sure the dream was about me getting so much hate, I stopped eating again. That's when I woke up, it might not seem that bad, but it was, you just had to be there.
I lay back down in bed, but can't sleep.
I see my phone and I grab it, scrolling through twitter, skipping the hate.
It's going good... until I see something that sends me into an instant panic.
'Kill yourself, before I do it for you.'
A reply on one of my posts said.
I start freaking out.
Was it a death threat?
Yes, they said they would kill me!
Okay, maybe they're lying, they have to be lying, right? Yeah, they don't know where I live, they can't find me.
I eventually calmed myself down.
I keep scrolling through twitter. There's so much hate. But I can't stop eating again, they'll know something is up.
I hate that I'm having these thoughts again. I wish people didn't do this to me.
I tried to fall asleep, I laid in different positions, at one point, I almost fell off the bed.
I look outside and see the sun is starting to rise.
I grab my phone, and check the time.
5:37 AM.
Ugh. No sleep. I also feel sick. Noooo! I hate being sick!
I sigh and roll out of bed, walking into the bathroom.
Seeing the toilet must have triggered something, because as soon as I saw it, I had the urge to throw up. And I did, after quickly putting the seat up.
I sat there for a while, until I heard footsteps coming to my room.
I was weak, so I struggled to stand up.
I eventually made it out of the bathroom, feeling duzzy, and nearly falling over.
I hear a knock.
"Hold on!" I say and wobble to the door.
I open it, and Joel's standing there.
"Get rea- are you okay?" He asks, looking shocked.
"Uh, I don't know, I mean, I threw up... and I'm dizzy, but, other than that-" I suddenly feel like I'm going to throw up again. I rush to the bathroom and throw up, Joel following behind me. He grabs my hair and holds it back, and once I'm done hands me a ponytail.
I put my back into a low ponytail.
"I'll go get Lizzie, you're not going to school today." He says and walks out.
During the time he's gone, I throw up a few more times.
Lizzie comes in, followed by Joel, but Joel stops at the door.
"You okay?" She asks.
"I mean, I guess." I say, shrugging my shoulders.
"Okay, stupid question, okay, you know you aren't going to school today, we'll take you to the doctor later." She tells me.
"I don't need the doctor, I'm fine, just sick." I say. I mean, I might not be okay, but I don't want to have to go to the doctor.
"You sure?" Joel asks.
I nod.
Lizzie reaches her hand out to help me up, since I was sitting on the floor.
I take it, and stand up. A rush of dizziness rushes over me, and I nearly fall.
"You okay?" Lizzie asks, motioning to Joel to grab my other arm.
"Yeah, just a but dizzy." I tell them. We walk out to the kitchen.
"Are you hungry?" Joel asks, grabbing one of the pancake mix boxes from the cabinet.
"Uh, kind of." I say.
Joel starts to make the pancakes, and Lizzie sits next to me, after grabbing a bucket in case I throw up.
She looks at me for a minute.
"Yes?" I ask, looking at her.
"I think we might take you to the doctor, just to be safe." She says, fear takes over.
"Nonono! I'm fine, see!" I say, trying to stand up. I partially succeed, but it's a good thing Joel was walking to put the pancakes on the table, because I got really dizzy and started falling.
He caught me, and immediately I had to throw up.

I motioned for the bucket, grabbing it from Lizzie's hands and throwing up.
I sank down to my knees to try and stop the dizziness.

"So, why don't you want to go to the doctor?" Lizzie asks me, going down to my level.
I stared at the ground.
To be honest, I don't want to tell them I'm afraid. I'm not afraid of needles, well, I mean, I am a little, but when my mom died, I started getting scared.

I'm scared because I know if you're sick, you go to the doctor, and sometimes if the doctor can't figure it out, you go to the hospital, hospitals are where people die, I could die. I know it's unlikely, but it could happen.
(A/N) I KNOW! It's been forever since I've updated. But my phone got messed up, so it deleted all my apps, then I couldn't remember my password, so yeah, I have it now. I will update the rest of this day in another chapter, but I have changed a few things, so you should go back to the first part and read it. Also, thanks for over 100 reads!!

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