Chapter 19: Not Dreams, Nightmares

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                     #Callie's P.O.V#
I sit down on the seat as the flight attendant says to strap in, and I do so. I wait for Lizzie and Joel to strap in, but they don't.
"Guys, you gotta-" I start.
"Shut up!" Lizzie yells. I flinch, I figure she was just tired.
I sit back in my seat, and as we take off I imagine that we'll be fine after this flight.
I try to take a nap, but somethings telling me I need to stay awake.
Lizzie and Joel are wide away, Lizzie looking out the window, and Joel looking at his phone.
"Joel, I'm scared...." I whisper.
"Its fine." He says. He doesn't try to comfort me, he was being harsh.
"Attention passengers, the captain says that there is some major turbulence ahead, and to fasten your seatbelts.
I start to freak out. I quickly strap in, and turn to Lizzie.
"Can you check this?" I ask her, she says nothing.
I turn to Joel and do the same. No answer.
The plane starts shaking, and before I know it, we're crashing to the ground.
I scream, but everyone else is calm.

We hit the ground, with major impact. Still no screams.
I look to see Lizzie and Joel, sitting perfectly fine.
I begin to freak out, as part of my leg is missing. I scream, but people don't hear me. I start to loose conciousness, and I know I'm dying.

All I see is darkness, then people saying my name over and over.
I open my eyes and see Lizzie and Joel looking at me, concerned.

"Are you okay?" Lizzie asks.
"Yeah, why?" I ask, I mean, I was sweating bullets, but, I'm fine now.
"You were screaming..." She says.
"Oh.. I had a bad dream is all..." I say.
"Okay..." Joel says, and goes back to doing whatever he was doing.
"Callie, tell me if you need anything, please.." She says, but whispers when she says 'please'.

"Please fasten your seatbelts for landing, we hope you had a good flight!" The flight attendant says. I strap in, Lizzie and Joel do aswell. We check eachothers, like when we got on the plane.

The plane landed like it had departed, bumpy and scary, but we made it.
We walk inside, making sure we have a security guard next to us. We manage to make it to baggage claim.

There, we see THE Joey Graceffa,(not sure if she's met/seen him in person before, but, let's say that she hasn't) standing there. My jaw drops.

I didn't know what we were doing here, Lizzie and Joel kept it a surprise.
I was between Lizzie and Joel, holding their hands, and we start to speed up to get to Joey. I squeeze Lizzie's hand, getting nervous.

This is what happened when I met Lizzie and Joel.


I passed out that time.

She looks at me, hugs me, then goes to talk to Joey.

Nervous, I stop walking. Joel stands by be, still holding my hand.

"Its fine, Callie..." He whispers, rubbing my back.

I gain the confidence to walk again.
"Okay, so Joey, this is Callie, our daughter, Callie, this is Joey..." Lizzie introduces us.

"I know..." I whisper.

"You're a fan?" Lizzie says. I guess she heard me then..

I nod slowly.

"Well, thank you for watching my videos!" Joey says.

I smile, I can't believe I'm meeting Joey Graceffa!

We walk out of the airport, and into Joeys car. Somehow, we manage to put all of our luggage in the trunk.

We drive off, I don't know exactly how long it'll take, but I'm too nervous to ask. I don't do good with new people, even if I did watch them on YouTube for a long time.

I take a deep breath. I kind of get nervous in new cars, or other people's cars. I don't know why,  though.

"How long does it take to get back to your house, Joey?" Joel asks.

"I live pretty close, but kind of far. We still have 45 more minutes to drive." He says, eyes focusing on the road.

45 minutes later, we reached his house.
I carefully unbuckle, getting out. I go to the back with Lizzie and Joel and grab my luggage.

Joey leads us inside the house, and let me tell you, it's a lot bigger off camera.

It's about 3:30, and we're sitting on the couch, eating popcorn, and watching TV.

I decide to lean my head on Lizzie's shoulder and take a nap.

I am awaken by the smell of pizza.
I look around, and find Lizzie isn't next to me, nobody is.
I look all around, but can't find anybody.

I turn down a hallway, nobody.
Did they leave me? Surely not, right?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by someone coming in the back door.
I let out a high pitched scream, until they come into the light and I see its Daniel.

I stop and go red. Lizzie, Joel, and Joey all come rushing in. Daniel looked scared out of his mind.

"Is everything okay?" Joel asks.

"Yeah... I just... Daniel scared me..." I whisper. I was honestly so scared that they left me. I didn't want that to happen, again.

I follow them back outside, where pizza sat. I grabbed a small slice, and sat down in a lawn chair.
We ate our pizza, and went to bed.
(A/N) HI! Did you like the chapter? Please leave suggestions, as I need some. Thank you for so many reads!

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