Chapter 18: Flying?

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                      #Callie's P.O.V#
*I didn't know what to write about fir Christmas, please don't be mad, but time skip a week after Christmas*
I climb out of bed, slowly. Today's the day! I have my bags packed, and I'm ready!
"Callie, come on, get ready!" Lizzie says at my door.
"Okay!" I say, running to get in the shower.
I get in and out, get dressed and do my hair.
I slide on a jacket, and head downstairs with my luggage.
I did a mental check to make sure I had everything, because my brain tricks me into thinking that I don't have everything.

Once Lizzie and Joel are ready, we walk out the door and put our luggage into the trunk.
We start our two hour long drive to the airport, and I drift off to sleep.

*Time skip 2 hours*
I open my eyes to see that we are at the airport.
"Just in time!" Lizzie says, getting out of the car.
We grab our luggage and walk to the entrance.
"Callie, stay close to me or Joel." Lizzie says.
"Why?" I ask as we walk in. My question was answered.

So. Many. People.

I start to freak out a bit, but manage to calm myself down.

We go to get pass the first security, and we get through.
I immediately froze. There were 2x more people here than in the other area.

I squeeze Lizzie's hand, and we try to rush through.

"Joel, did you call to get us security, in case there are any fan ambushes?" Lizzie asks, looking at Joel.
"Uhh... that I did not do..." He says.
We walk to the next part and people run up screaming. I back up into more people. I apologize and try to go back to Lizzie and Joel, but there's too big of a crowd.

Soon, too many people are around me. My breathing starts to get faster, my heart beats faster, and I start to sweat.

I try to look again, but too many people. More and more people seemed like they were getting closer.
I let out a high pitched scream, as I began to feel dizzy. If I didn't stop now, I could faint.

I slowly sink down, hugging my knees to my chest. I didn't know where to go, so I stayed there.

I think some strangers were trying to help, because people were crouching down beside me and saying something. I couldn't tell what they were saying because of the ringing in my ears.

I tried to speak, and say I couldn't hear them, but nothing comes out.
The ringing was getting louder, my vision was getting blurry. I feel the tears run down my face as I rock back and forth, but nothing's working. I try breathing tactics, no luck.

I feel light headed, and I know I'm about to faint. I feel myself slipping, but soon the crowd starts to clear, and two figures come close to me.

Lizzie and Joel.

I try to say 'help' but nothing comes out. There's a hand on my back, but I can barely feel because my body was going numb.

The hand stays there, and another hand strokes the top of my head.

The ringing starts to get quiet. My vision is coming back from being blurry.
It happens slowly, but my vision and hearing comes back, though I'm still freaking out.

"Callie, I know this is hard, but breathe." Lizzie says, repeating 'breathe' over and over again, until I'm mostly back.

"Are you better now?" Joel asks, putting his hand out to help me up.
I nod.

After that, security helps us through the croud.

We get to out gate, then eventually onto our plane.
(I've never been on a plane or anything, so I'm sorry if this is inaccurate)
I feeling rises inside of me again, it hits me that I'm on a plane. (Oh really?)
I've always been scared of planes. There are many reasons why, but the main one is crashing. Flying high above the ground leads to possible problems. Possible problems lead to falling. Falling leads to crashing. Crashing leads to dying. I don't want to die like this.

I guess Joel notices how nervous I am (I just accidentally typed 'ham' and I almost died 😂), because he grabs my hand.

"Please fasten your seatbelts, as we are about to depart, make sure to...(insert safety instructions here)... have a great flight!" The flight attendant says over the speaker.

I fasten my seatbelt, and have Joel and Lizzie check it. I am not taking any chances.

I made sure that we all checked eachothers, because it's me, have to make sure we're safe.

We depart, and it was terrible. I grabbed on to Lizzie and Joel's hands and I think I broke them... I mean, I didn't but it must've hurt pretty bad.

Once we're in the aur, they say we can unfasten our seatbelts.

Shakily, I unbuckle. "Cal, try to get some sleep, it might calm you down." Joel tells me.

I nod and lay back, drifting off into sleep shortly.
(A/N) Sorry if it's a bit short. I wanted to get this chapter out since it's been a while. I'm really exited. Why? Well, LIZZIE AND JOEL ARE ENGAGED! If you couldn't tell from my earlier update😂😂 I'm really happy for them!
Anyways, next chapter I will try harder! Also, please leave suggestions!

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