Chapter 13: More Birthdays?

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                    #Callie's P.O.V#
I wake up, and get out of bed, IT'S AMELIA'S BIRTHDAY! I smile at the thought of seeing her.
I rush to get in the shower, then once I get out, I put on black jeans, the ones Amelia likes on me, and my black crop top hoodie that has shoe-lace-typed strings going down my chest. Of course, Amelia loves that one too, but I have to wear a tank top under, so I don't get too cold.
I get done at around 11, and she's gonna be here around 11:30.
I go downstairs, and check to make sure the gifts are still there, then I sit on the couch, waiting for her. After what seems like forever, I finally hear a doorbell. It's our doorbell. I jump up up and run to the door, opening it and hugging Amelia.
"Happy birthday!" I tell her.
"Thank you!"
"Lizzie, Joel! Amelia's here!" I yell up the stairs.
I turn back around to admire Amelia. She's perfect. We gaze into each other's eyes, before kissing.
Until Lizzie and Joel come downstairs.
"Ew!" Joel says, in a high pitched voice.
I sigh, pulling away.
"Amelia, want your gifts yet?" Lizzie asks.
"Sure! But I told you that you didn't need to get me anything." She says, looking at me.
"Pfft, when do I ever listen?" I say.
Lizzie goes to get the gifts and brings them back.
See hands her the package with chocolate.
She opens it. "I've been wanting to try this kind forever!" She practically yells.
"Keep going!" I tell her, pointing to the shoe box.
She nods and opens it, looking confused.
"Look in the box." I whisper to her.
She opens the lid, and gasps.
She grabs the camera.
"Callie!" She said, throwing her arms around me.
"There's one more from all of us, you said you've been wanting it for a while... so..." I say as she rips the paper.
"It's so cute!" She says, getting up to hug everyone.
She stops before me, staring into my eyes.
"Come on, lets go set your camera up!" I say, running upstairs. I hear footsteps behind me, and soon Amelia's smiling face appears.
We go into my room, and sit on the bed, looking at the camera. I look at her face, she looks so concentrated. She's so cute.
She looks up and I blush, looking down.
I look back up, and she's still looking.
We leannin, and kiss, a kiss that I wish would last forever.
We stop, and I rest forehead on hers.
"There was only one thing I really wanted, Callie..." She says, I thing I know where this is going.
"Hm?" I ask.
"I wanted you too... uh... eat." She says, quietly.
I sigh, I know I should, but it'll be hard.
"I'll try, just for you." After I say that, her eyes light up.
We kiss, passionately, and pull away.
"So, I want you to... try one thing from lunch today, try a salad, it's not much, but it's a start." She tells me.
I nod, I'll probably have like, one bite of it anyways.
She gets happy, I love seeing her happy. It was 1, so Lizzie should be done with lunch soon.

Amelia, time for lunch!" She calls up the stairs.
Amelia smiles and grabs my hand, pulling me down the steps.
"Lizzie, can I get a small salad?" Amelia asks. I sigh. I might actually throw up.
"Sure?" Lizzie says, questionably.
She hands Amelia the salad, and Amelia turns to me.
I grab it, sighing.
I look at Lizzie, and she has hope in her eyes.
I nod, and her face lights up.
I slowly take the fork, and pick up a piece of the salad.
Here goes nothing.
I close my eyes and put the food in my mouth. Nope. I try to chew, then swallow, but it doesn't work, I run right to the bathroom and throw up.
I feel a hand on my back, probably Amelia.
I look up and see Lizzie, smiling.
"It's only step one, Callie." She tells me, and sighs.
"It's going to try again, and keep it down."
After a bunch of puking, I finally get a bite down without it.
I sigh, and look at Amelia. She smiles, and then hugs me.
She stops and I shake my head.
She smiles and tries to hug me again, but I stop her, I tap my lips, signaling for a kiss, and she obeys.
"This is the best birthday ever." She whispers in my ear.
I smile, and we walk back upstairs.
"I'm getting sweaty, I'll go to the bathroom to take my tank top off." I say, walking into my bathroom, and taking both of my shirts off, then putting the crop top hoodie back on.
I walk out and Amelia is sitting on my bed, staring at her phone.
I go next to her and sit down.
I don't get on my phone, I just admire her beauty.
She looks up, smiling.
We start kissing, soon turning into making out.
We are interrupted by a door opening. Was that my door?
I slowly open my eyes, after stopping the kiss, and see Lizzie awkwardly standing there.
"Hehe, hey Lizzie..." I say, awkwardly laughing at the beginning.
I turn to Amelia, her face is as red as tomato.
"I just... came up here to see if you wanted to... never mind... I think you're busy." She says, then quickly walks away, closing the door behind her.
"Well... that was awkward." Amelia says.
"Yeah... wanna... uh... what do you wanna do?" I ask, she smiles.
"LET'S BUILD A FORT!" She yells.
I laugh, and we get started on the fort.
We finish the fort, then sit inside on our phones.
"Awe darnit!" I say, a bit too loud.
"What?" Amelia asks, turning her phone off and looking at me.
"It's Sunday and we have school tomorrow!" I say, crossing my arms.
Great. More bullies.
"Awe, babe, it'll be okay." She says, putting her hand on my leg.
"You know what would make me feel bett" I say, smirking.
"Huh?" Amelia asks.
I pucker my lips and make a kissy sound.
I hear a soft giggle, and then feel her lips on mine. I wanted this to last forever.
But it didn't. We pulled away when Joel called Amelia down, saying her mom was here.
"Well, bye Amelia." I say.
"Wait! I want to remember this forever!" She says. She grabs her camera, and asks Joel to take a picture of us.
It turns out perfect, and Amelia leaves.
Later, I eat a little bit of dinner before going to bed.
(A/N) HI! I realised that we have over 80 reads, thank you so much! I know it doesn't seem like much, but to me, it's amazing. Thanks again!

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