Chapter 25: What Now?

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#Callie's P.O.V#
I wake up to find that I fell asleep in the hospital. Lizzie, Joel, and Amelia were sleeping as well. Why didn't they kick us out? It was past visiting hours, I know it.

After a while, everyone begins to wake up. Amelia was just waking up, when we heard a long beep coming from her mom's monitor.

"MUM?! MUM?!" Amelia screamed, running to her mom. Lizzie rushed to get a doctor, Joel trying to get Amelia to calm down. I was going to try to get up, but Joel told me to sit back down. He was able to get her back over to me, where I engulf her in a hug, not letting her go.

Doctors rush in, and push us out. Amelia's screaming at them, telling them to let her see her mom, but she can't. Joel grabs her, since I have my crutches, and we go to the waiting area. We hear doctors yelling 'CLEAR!' then a few beeps, like they were before when it was normal, then another long beep.

Once again, 'Clear!' Beep, beep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, 'Clear!' Beep, beep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, and that kept repeating for another 5 minutes.

Soon, there was a long beep, then nobody yelling clear, and then the beeping stopped. The doctor appeared out in the waiting room, with a clipboard in his hands.

"I regret to inform you that-"

(A/N) Sorry for such a short chapter, cliffhanger? Hold on....
JUST KIDDING! Did you really think I would do that to you?
Back to the story!
"I regret to inform you that your mother has died..." the doctor says, looking at Amelia.

Amelia starts sobbing. I want to take this pain away from her. But I can't. I can't bring back her mom, nobody can.

"Amelia... I'm sorry..." I whisper.

"Uhm. We'll be taking her body to the funeral center (totally made that up, I couldn't remember the word.), we're gonna need you to sign these papers, including the adress part. Do you live with anyone at home?" The doctor asks.

Amelia shakes her head. "No... my dad died a month before I was born..." She says, breaking down. She starts again, "I don't have any siblings, my grandparents are dead, my parents didn't have siblings... everybody in my family is dead..." She says. I hug her immediately, because she cries harder, though I didn't think it was possible.

"Oh..." the doctor turns to us, "do you think she could stay with you for a few days, until we can file the paper work? The system has been acting weird, so it's gonna take a while."

"Of course, it's no problem." Lizzie says. "Do we have to sign anything?"

The doctor nods, and motions for her to come with him. They go toward the reception desk, and he hands her paperwork.

I turn to Amelia. "I'm sorry, babe. I hate seeing you go through this."

"I-i mean, it's okay, b-because y-you didn't know what was going to happen." She says, sighing, then sobbing again.

Lizzie comes back a few minutes later with the papers. "Okay, we can go. We're gonna be getting mail in a few weeks about your moms funeral." She says, giving Amelia a hug.

"What now?" I ask.

"Well, we have to go back to Amelia's place, vet some of her stuff, then go home I guess. I wasn't expecting to have a guest, or anything like that, so you are gonna have to sleep with Callie." She says.

We nod, and walk out to the car. Amelia is still crying, of course, her mom JUST died, and she had to watch it happen.

We arrive at Amelia's house, and she goes into her room, and packs some bags, then comes back out.

We begin to drive back to our house, talking about random things. Once we get there, I take Amelia inside.

We go to my room, and she starts to unpack.

Once she was done, she comes over to my bed and sits down. I sit down too, and turn on the TV. Amelia puts her head on my chest.

"I love you, Amelia." I say.

"I love you too, Callie."
(A/N) I'M SORRY. I know it was short, but I can't figure out what to write about, so it could be a while.

PLEAAAASSSEEE give me suggestions!

There are only about 5 more chapters, and I want to make them good.



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