Chapter 24: Rushing

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#Callie's P.O.V#
"Callie, she's in the hospital, I-i came home from Starbucks and she was knocked out on the floor, and her head was bleeding really bad. I called my 999, and realized that people took things. We got robbed, and my mom- she- she could die..." Her voice cracked at the end, signalling that she was crying, or is about to cry.

"Okay, Amelia, you're in the hospital, right? You're with your mom, right?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah..."

"How is she right now?"

"She's in surgery right now." She says, still sounding panicky.

"Okay, Amelia, we're leaving for the airport in an hour and a half, and them we get on a plane at 8, then we come home, and we'll go straight to see you, okay?" I say.

"Y-yeah, can we talk a bit longer though? I-i can't be alone... not now..."

"Okay, we can talk for a little while, but eventually I'll have to get ready, okay? Then I can call you again, until we get on the plane, and then after the flight, I'll talk to you again, until we get to the hospital." I say.

"Okay... I'm sorry I disturbed you..." She says, her voice sinking. My heart drops.

"No, it's okay baby, don't be sad, I'll be there soon, okay, I promise. I'll be there." I say.

We talk for a while, then I decide to get ready, so I tell her, then hang up.

I quickly shower, then put on an owl shirt, and some black leggings, then some black socks and shoes, well, one shoe because of the STUPID CAST. Once that's all done, I check to make sure I have everything packed, then I call Amelia back.

"Hey Amelia, I'm back."

"Hey Callie..." She still sounds really sad. I know I can't help her right now, but I want to.

We continue talking until we get to the airport and have to go through security.

We waited for about an hour, then boarded the plane. We get strapped in like before, and we begin to take off.

We get off the plane, and I immediately call Amelia.
"Hey babe, you okay? How are things going?" I ask.

"I-i guess I'm okay... my mom got out of surgery and she's in a medically induced coma..." She mumbles.

"Okay, we just landed, we're on our way to the car now..." I say, walking out of the airport.

"Okay... please try to hurry. I don't know how long I can wait here alone. Nurses have tried to talk to me, but I don't want to talk to them... I've only talked to you for the past few hours." She says.

We make it to the car, and finally get out of the parking garage.
"Amelia, what hospital is she at?"

"<Insert hospital name bc I'm lazy>"

"Okay." We continue talking, until we pull up to the hospital.

"Amelia, I'm here, okay? Meet us out at the lobby." I say as we walk in the main entrance.

"Yep, I'm in the lobby now." She says.
As we walk into the lobby, Amelia is standing there, phone to her ear.

"I see you." I say, and hang up. I walk/use the stupid crutches toward her, and engulf her in a hug.

"Callie..." She says, holding back tears.
"I don't want to loose her... I don't want to loose her... I don't want to loose her.." She repeats over and over again.

"shhhhhh..." I say to her. Once Lizzie and Joel came in, we started going to her hospital room. I was grasping Amelia's hand tightly, well, every now and then, since I had to hold the crutches.

Once we got to the room, I saw Amelia's mom, hooked up to many wires. I gasp. I knew it would be bad, but I didn't think it would be this bad.

"I know..." Amelia mumbles.

I turn around and hug her, taking her by surprise. I kiss her forhead, and stay hugging her for a while.

"Baby, how long have been here?" I ask her.

"Uh... about 2 days. I think. What day is it?"

"Its Sunday." Lizzie cuts in.

"Oh... 2 days then, I was right." She sounds tired.

"When was the last time you slept?"

"Uh... one... two... three days ago." She says, counting on her fingers, and acting like it was nothing.

"Okay, also, when was the last time you ate?"

"Three days ago. I couldn't eat the hospital food they brought up, it looked disgusting, and I don't have money to go down to the lobby and get anything." She partially mumbles.

"Lizzie, Joel, can you go down and get her some .food from Starbucks? Amelia, what would you like?"

"A chocolate muffin and frappe please... I'll pay you when I get the chance... I promise." She says, still hugging me.

"No, we're buying it, and you're keeping your money." Lizzie says and walks out of the room with Joel.

"Let's go lay down..." I whisper. We walk over to a super padded bench. Once I sit down, I pull Amelia and have her lay down, so her head is on my lap, and she's comfortable. I tell her to try to sleep, and give her a kiss on the cheek.

Soon enough, Lizzie and Joel come back.
"You got my message, right?" I ask them.
They nod. "2 muffins and some other food, right?"

I nod. Then I motion to Amelia, who's sleeping. They get the idea, so they sit down on chairs and take out their phones.

After a little while, Amelia starts to wake up. Once she's sitting up, I hand her the food she got.

"Thanks..." She mumbled.

"No problem." I say, and kiss the top of her forehead.

"I forgot to ask, what happened to your leg?"

"Uh... long story short, I got hit by a car..." I say, trying not to scare her.

"Awe... I'm sorry..." She says. She sounds like she's about to cry again.

"Nonono, don't cry... don't cry... it's fine, I'm fine, your mum will be fine..." I whisper to her, and hug her.

"You don't know that..." She whispers, looking down after we pull away from the hug.

"Okay, maybe I don't, but there's still a pretty good chance of her surviving." I say, hugging her again.

(A/N) Hello my people. Is this update late? No? I didn't think so, I actually kind of updated early. I couldn't leave you like I left you last chapter. I need suggestions for a few more chapters, and tell me if you want a sequel after chapter 30.


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