Chapter 11: School?

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                 #Callie's P.O.V#
I wake up to my alarm clock. One word comes to my mind.
I roll out of bed, after shutting my alarm clock off. I stretch and walk over to my closet.
I pick out and outfit that looked cute, but casual. This school isn't the type to have uniforms. I grab shoes and slide them on, then get my backpack and head downstairs.
"Hey Lizzie." I say, tired.
"Hey Callie, ready for school?" She asks, I nod, and we start driving to Amelia's house, since it was on the way to the school. Lizzie didn't have to drive us, but she did bealcause it was the first day. The school was just a block or 2 away from Amelia's house, and Amelia's house isn't that far away.
When we get there, Amelia hops in the car and we start to drive to the school.
"What class do you have first?" I asked.
"Callie, we went over this yeaterday, I have all my classes with you." She tells me.
"Oh, yeah, I forgot." I say, and chuckle. We arrive at the school and get out.
"Bye Lizzie!" Amelia and I say as Lizzie drives off, waving.
"Ready?" Amelia asks, grabbing my hand.
I nod and look at her. We kiss for a second then walk into the school, hand in hand.
We get some looks as we walk in, but only a few. We first go to our lockers, which are coincidentally by eachother.
We get our first hour things and start to walk. We still have about 20 minutes since Lizzie dropped us off super early.
I look at the floor, and when I look back up, I see Amelia smiling at me.
"What?" I laugh a little.
"You're beautiful, you know that, right?" She says, and I look down again and blush.
She lifts my chin, and looks into my eyes, and I look into hers.
"We're at school... we can't kiss." I say.
"Well, who cares." She says, and kisses me.
"We got this." She tells me. I instantly smile, and I don't stop smiling.
We get to our first hour, and try to find seats next to eachother. We ended up finding seats with me in front of Amelia, so we were still together.
When we sat down, I began to get nervous. Amelia started to rub my shoulder.
"It's alright." She whispered, so only I could hear.
I nod, taking a deep breath, and sigh. It will be okay. I repeat that in my head over and over again.
The class starts, and the teacher introduces herself. We soon finish that class, and go to second hour. That's pretty much how things go until lunch.
At lunch, we get lucky enough to find a table and sit down.
Amelia has food but I don't. Out of the blue, Amelia hugs me, I hug back, and we sit there, hugging for a little while. When we stopped, I looked up to see people laughing. They were looking at us. Were they laughing at us? Probably not.
"Do you think they're laughing at us?" I ask, nodding my head toward them.
"Want me to find out?" She asks me.
"Don't do anything stupid, Amelia." I say, but Amelia stands up and walks over.
I walk over to her to see what in the world she was doing.
"So what's so funny?" She asks them, with some sass.
"My friend told a joke, so I laughed." The boy that was sitting there said.
"Okay, so you weren't laughing at us?" Amelia asks.
"Why would we be?
"I don't know, because we... never mind." Amelia said.
"By the way, your friend is hot." He says, winking at me.
"I know." She says, getting angry
"What?" He asks, getting confused by her anger, and words.
"I said I know! She's my girlfriend!" Amelia starts to get louder.
I feel my face get pale as his friends start to laugh.
"Oh..." He says before getting pale.
"What are you laughing at?" She says to the boys friends.
"Losers!" One of the other guys blurts out.
Amelia's face gets red. He shouldn't have done that. She gets close to his face.
"You have a girlfriend, you're gay, it's stupid." The guy says, not feeling threatened at all.
Oh no.
"Amelia let's go." I say, quietly.
"Oh little chicken gonna back down?" The guy said, Amelia gets closer.
"You call my girlfriend a chicken?
I start to panic. My breathing starts to quicken and I start getting dizzy. I sit down on the ground to try and calm the dizzyness. I hug my knees to my chest.
"Oh look, chicken is too weak to handle this!" The guy says, laughing with his friends after.
"Shut it!" Amelia yells.
How has nobody heard this?
"No! She's too weak to handle this, she's probably just trying to get me to stop." He says, Amelia backs up.
"You've made too many mistakes." She says. He starts to look confused.
"Will, I think you should stop, before something happens." One of his friends tell him.
"So your name is Will?" Amelia asks.
"Jack, seriously!" Will says, punching Jack on the shoulder.
"Will, I have a question, but first, my friend has something to say." She says, I'm behind her so I can see her holding up a fist behind her back.
"Whatcha gonna do? Slap me?" He said the last part in a mocking voice.
"Nope." Amelia says, taking less than a second to punch him in the face. I start to panic more. I hate panic attacks.
I start to hyperventilate and cry, having a full blown panic attack. It's too much. As soon as she does it, she comes to my side. She grabs my hand.
"Breathe, Callie." She says in a soothing voice.
"Amelia." I cry. She immediately hugs me.
She strokes my hair, calming me down. She knows that by now. It usually helps.
"Do you want to call Lizzie and Joel?" She asks.
I nod.
"Okay." She says, dialing Lizzie's number. Not long after, she starts to talk.
"Yeah." She pauses, letting Lizzie speak.
"She's having a panic attack, I'll tell you later." She says. She hands me the phone.
I hear Lizzie's voice.
I cry into the phone.
"Shhh.. calm down..." Joel says.
"Try to breathe, you've got this, in, and out." Lizzie says, calming me.
After I finally calm down enough, I hang up.
"Wow, does the baby need her mommy?" Will says, acting like I'm a baby who can't care for myself.
"Stop, before I knock you down again!" Amelia yells, covering my ears.
"It didn't even hurt." Will says, like it was no big deal.
"Mhm, so when you fell off your chair and held your cheek, it didn't hurt?" She tells him, still covering my ears.
He scoffs and walks away.
Amelia hugs me
Not long after, the bell rings indication that lunchtime is over.
The rest of the day goes by fine, and we head outside and wa I think for Lizzie to pick us up.
"I'm sorry about today." Amelia says.
I grab her hand. "It wasn't you, it was them. I'm sorry I had a panic attack..." I tell her, looking down.
"It wasn't your fault, you can't control it." She said, lifting my chin.
I looked into her beautiful eyes. We stayed there, staring.
I just wanted to kiss her. Then and there. I couldn't stop myself. I kissed her, only for a few seconds before laughing arose from the group of kids next to us.
I sigh, and look at Amelia. She looks like she's getting mad.
Before anything happens, Lizzie pulls in, and I sigh in relief.
I grab Amelia's hand and go to the car. We hop inside and drive off, going home. But, of course dropping Amelia off first.
We get home, and I nap on the couch.
(A/N) HI THERE! GOOD CHAPTER? MAYBE, PROBABLY NOT. Okay, tell me of you like this thing... I'm not gonna go through and read it again, so tell me if anything is spelled wrong.

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