Chapter 20: Hate, Hate, Hate...

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                      #Callie's P.O.V#
I wake up in the morning and do my morning twitter check.
LDShadowLady tweeted:
Love my daughter

It was a picture of me napping on her shoulder. I decided to read some replies. Not a good choice.

'Heh, haven't taken her back yet, eh?'

'Wow, what is that thing on your shoulder, Lizzie?!'

'Wow, I thought she was getting prettier and skinnier, nope, getting uglier and fatter!'

Those weren't even the worst. There were many others, telling me that I was fat, and ugly, and how I don't deserve Lizzie or Joel, or to be at Joeys house.

I try to shake them off, but I can't.
I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.
Why didn't they like me? Do I need to change? They say I'm still too fat. I don't know if not eating is a choice. I need something I can hide. Maybe...? No, I can't.
I get snapped out of my thoughts as someone knocked on my door. I had clearly been crying, so I wipe the tears off my face before answering.

"Yeah?" I yell, my voice shaking.

"Can I come in?" It was Joey.

"S-sure." I stutter. The door opens, and Joey walks in. I realize that I'm still crying, so I wipe my tears again, hoping he didn't see.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.
I nod. I mean, I'm not okay, but I don't want to cause problems.
He sees that I've been crying, and hugs me. I tense up, but then relax and start to cry.

"What's wrong?" He asks, pulling away.

"I-i... I hate twitter..." I whisper.

"Why do you hate twitter?"

"People... they..." I manage to say.
I look at my phone.

"What do they do?" He asks me. I grab my phone, and open twitter. I go to the post Lizzie tweeted, and scroll to the replies. I hand Joey my phone.

"Not true, not true, not true..." He says, repeating it after every hate reply he sees. He gasps after seeing one that was really bad. Many more followed. Tears streamed down my face, as he got to the ones I haven't read yet, and they were by far the worst.

Joey reaches the end, and hugs me.
"Okay, breakfast is ready, come down when you're ready, okay?" He says with sympathy in his voice.

I nod. I stand up and throw on some sweatpants and a baggy shirt. I put my hair in a low ponytail. I didnt bother to shower.

I walk down the stairs, and Joey talking to Lizzie and Joel. Lizzie and Joel look mad.

Please don't say he told them.

"Why would they do that? They're supposed to be FANS!" Lizzie says/yells.

I walk over there with tears still going down my face. I'm immediately engulfed into a hug by Lizzie.

"I'm sorry they did that. You're perfect, don't listen to them. I'm so sorry..." She whispered Into my ear.

She let me go, and I immediately got hugged by Joel. He only said, "I'm sorry." There were still tears pouring out of my eyes.

"Do you want some breakfast?" Joey asks.

I shrug. I kind of lost my appetite.
"I'll eat later." I mumble and walk back up to the guest room.

Broken- An Adopted By Jizzie Fanfiction [Completed] [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now