Chapter 21: Swimming

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#Callie's P.O.V#
Its the next day, and we're going swimming today. I don't have a swimsuit, so we're also going shopping for one.

"Callie! We gotta go now!" Joel calls up the stairs.

"Okay!" I shout back down. I grab my phone and put it in my pocket, then walk downstairs. We get in Joeys car, then leave for the mall.

I get out of the car, waiting for everyone else to do so. Once they're out, we all at start walking toward the clothing store. We walk to the swimming section, and try to find a bathing suit in my size.

We eventually find one, but it was a bikini. It was the only one that was in my size. I don't really like showing off my body like some other girls, but I had to wear it. You might say, 'Callie, why don't you check other stores?' Well, we did, but it was all the same. Also, this one had the best ones.

We pay and leave, going to the pool. Again, you might be thinking, 'Callie, it's winter, why are you swimming?' Well, A. It's way warmer here than in England, and B. We're going to an indoor pool.

We enter the building, and we split off. Joey and Joel go into the boys changing room, while Lizzie and I go into the girls.

I start to change, and once I do, I get self conscious. I really don't like my body. "Lizzie?"


"I'm not quite sure I'll swim..." I say.

"Why not?"

"Because... I..." I look at myself in the mirror.

"Come out here." She says. I walk out of the changing room, and see Lizzie standing there. "What's it about, and you look great by the way." She says.

"Yeah, that's just it... I don't think... never mind." I say, about to turn back to go get changed.

Lizzie grabs my arm. "No, at least swim for a little bit, you look fantastic, I promise, and I wouldn't lie." She says.

"Okay, let me grab my stuff." I say, turning and grabbing my stuff. We walk out to the pool, and it has a few people in it but not a lot. We see Joel setting his stuff down, then Joey getting in the pool.

We walk to go put our stuff by Joel's.
Once I do I walk toward the pool. I slowly start down the ladder. I felt like people were staring, but when I turned around, nobody was. I jump into the water, not wasting time getting used to it.

Lizzie jumped in next, then Joel. We were all sitting there, having a conversation.

"I'm bored, I'm gonna do a lap around the pool." I say to Lizzie.

She nods, and I swim away. I duck under the water, and try to avoid a group of boys. I went along the outside, but I have to come up for air. I pop out of the water, and open my eyes. I jump at the sight of one if the boys, standing in front of me, he looks terrified.

"S-sorry... I- uh, bye!" I say, about to turn around.

"Wait!" The boy calls out. "Uh... sorry about that, I just came over here to get the water ball my friend threw..." He says, glaring at one of the other boys, then throwing the ball at him.

"That's okay, what's your name?" I ask, giggling.

"I'm Jaxon (Pronounced Jackson, but spelled Jaxon, if you were confused), what's yours?" Jaxon says.

"I'm Callie, nice to meet you." I say, smiling. He smiles back.

"Well, I have to get back to my parents, bye!" I say, swimming away.

"Bye!" He calls out. As I get further away, I hear one of his friends say, 'Jax has a girlfrieeennddd.' I laugh a bit. It's kind of funny when nobody knows you have a girlfriend.

I swim up to Lizzie, Joel, and Joey, and join in the conversation. They ask me about what happened, so I tell them, then we start to leave.

We get back to the house around 4:00, and I go upstairs. I flop down on the bed, exhausted, and close my eyes. Eventually, I drift off into a deep sleep.

I jolt awake, startled by the dream I had. In the dream, I was driwning, and nobody came to help... it doesn't seem that bad, but it was.

I look at my phone, and see that it's midnight. I sigh, and decide to go see if anyone's up. I open the door, walking into the hallway. I see nobody in the hallway, and it's pretty dark, so I grab my phone and turn on the flashlight. I walk down the stairs slowly, because I don't want to fall. Once I reach the end of the steps, I look into the living room.

There's one figure, which seems to have long hair, I think it's Lizzie. The TV is on, and they're trying to find something to watch.

"Lizzie?" I say, approaching her. She jumps, then turns around. She seems to calm down once she sees it's me.

"What are you doing awake?" She asks me.

"I could say the same to you..." I say, walking to sit down next to her.

"Couldn't sleep..."

"Woke up, wasn't tired, came downstairs, and now we're here." I say, explaining myself.

She nods, and puts on a movie. "Are you going to stay down here and watch it with me?" She asks.

I nod. "Yeah, I guess, I don't think I can sleep, anyways." I say. It's true, I don't think I can, I'm wide awake. I put my head on Lizzie's shoulder, watching the movie.

I feel my eyelids start to get heavy, and I'm too tired to get up and go to bed, so I just stay there, close my eyes, and fall asleep, hoping I have a better dream.

(A/N) Hi! Okay, so, A. I know I haven't updated in a week, I just couldn't think of any ideas, B. 200 READS!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? TWO HUNDRED! TWO ZERO ZERO! You might think I'm crazy, and that it's not much, but to me, it's amazing. Anyways, thank you soooooo much! Please leave me some suggestions, because I'm running out. I need some for up until chapter 30, because I think I'm going to end it there.

The question is, DO YOU WANT A SEQUEL? Tell me if you do...

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