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Humming fills the air, Brendon wandering around the conjoined kitchen and dining room, Tyler with his head lowered yet still aware and wary of Brendon, watches from the dining table on the middle of the room.

From where he's sat, there's the kitchen with it's appliances to his right, and a cabinet with plates and glasses on display to his left.

The wall across from him holds a bunch of pictures, Josh and Brendon in them doing various things.

Following along that wall, on either sides are doorways into seperate rooms, what was inside those rooms Tyler was yet to discover.

"I'm sorry about last night Tyler, I honestly thought you'd be dead by this morning," the sudden voice startles Tyler, he jolts, then fear settles in the pool of his stomach.

"Why do you keep saying that?" Tyler questions, voice soft.

Brendon scoffs, wiping his hands down the front of the apron he now adorned.

"Cause everyone dies down there, I should know, I've helped, but Josh was adamant on having you all to himself last night! Stupid honestly, I was the one to show him how to skin a human! Funny that-"

Brendon continues his monologue, Tyler's thoughts wandering away, completely distracted.

Looking for ways to escape, Tyler mentally notes the layout of the apartment, mapping out where windows were.

"So anyways, that's just me though, grubs up!" The flamboyant chef boy slides a plate piled high with sausages and eggs, bacon, hash browns, baked beans and toast, grilled mushrooms and tomatoes are on the side mixed in with onion, and Tyler's stomach screams at the sight.

Hands now cuffed in front of him, Tyler reaches for the buttered slice of toast, ready to make a delicious sandwich, when he realises he has no utensils.

Before he can ask, Brendon places plastic cutlery before him.


"Really really,"

"I'm not going to attack you Brendon,"
Tyler sighs, picking up the white fork and poking at his food.

"I don't know that for certain, you could be as blood thirsty as us!" Brendon laughs but Tyler feels sick, Brendon treating this as some sort of game.

"It's not you I hate," mumbling under his breath, Tyler picks up an egg, flopping it onto his crisp toast. He assembles a sandwhich and begins to devour it hungrily, Brendon pausing his own meal to observe the skinny kid consume his weight in breakfast.

Silently pouring a glass of orange juice, Brendon pushes a full cup towards Tyler, now his turn to pause, eyeing the cup off.

Dropping his meal, snatching up the glass, Tyler chugs the sweet liquid down, dropping the glass with a clatter, a few left over drops of juice splatter on the table.

Resuming his chowing, Brendon smiles, propping his chin in both hands.

Once a weird, unsettling feeling of being watched hits Tyler and he looks up with a forkful of beans hovering near his open mouth, the pair lock eyes, Tyler lowering his fork.


"Josh never eats with me, he never eats what I cook, I'm so glad you enjoy it,"

Sliding a refilled glass of juice with two fingers towards Tyler, Brendon still eyes him off with a smile.

Carefully this time, Tyler picks up the cup, cradling it with his chained hands, sipping the orange elixir.

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